Chapter 3: Bonds of Silence

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Sasuke and Nina did their morning routine, waking up in their new apartment and preparing for the day ahead. The walk to the Academy was quiet, with the two siblings supporting each other in their silence.

When they entered the classroom, the quiet atmosphere remained, with most of their classmates already present. The presence of the young girl walking in with Sasuke drew whispers and inquisitive glances.

Naruto Uzumaki, a bright blonde-haired boy known for his outgoing personality, couldn't help but voice his curiosity, "Hey, Sasuke, who's the little girl? Is she lost?"

Sasuke, who had been in the class for a few months and had developed a reputation as a quiet and focused student, replied tersely, "This is my sister, Nina. She's joining our class."

The room fell silent again. Iruka, their teacher, walked to the front of the class and addressed the students, "Class, this is Nina Uchiha, Sasuke's sister. They've been through a lot recently, and we should show them kindness and respect. They're here to learn and grow, just like all of you."

Nina simply nodded in response, her quiet presence conveying her willingness to be part of the class.

Sasuke and Nina took their seats, side by side, as Iruka began his lesson on chakra. The room was filled with an air of anticipation as the students settled in for the day's learning.

Iruka, a dedicated and caring teacher, started the lesson, explaining the fundamentals of chakra, its nature, and how it could be harnessed for various techniques. He used diagrams and demonstrations to make the concepts more accessible, even for Nina, for whom it was the first day at the Academy.

After the lesson had ended, a 15-minute recess took place and all the kids went outside to play. Curious about Sasuke's little sister, Sakura and Ino, who were obsessed with Sasuke, a member of the infamous Uchiha clan, they approached the siblings, asking all sorts of questions.

As they gathered around, Sakura, her eyes filled with curiosity, asked, "Sasuke, why didn't you tell us you had a sister?"

Sasuke, maintaining his reserved demeanour and reluctance to engage with his classmates, replied, "There was no reason to mention her."

Nina, remaining quiet, watched the interactions with a calm and observant expression.

Ino, being straightforward, inquired, "So, why did she start at the Academy now? We've never seen her here before."

Sasuke, still aloof, answered, "It's none of your business"

Sakura and Ino exchanged knowing glances, their curiosity about the enigmatic Uchiha siblings deepening. They chose not to press further.

After recess, the students returned to their classroom for a few more theoretical lessons. The atmosphere remained quiet and focused, with Sasuke and Nina diligently absorbing the day's teachings.

As the morning lessons concluded, it was finally lunchtime, and some of the fangirls, including Sakura and Ino, couldn't resist their curiosity about the Uchiha siblings and approached them once more.

Sakura, with a determined sparkle in her eyes, initiated the conversation, "Sasuke, we'd love for you and Nina to join us for lunch. It would be a great way for Nina to get to know the rest of the class."

Ino chimed in, her directness undeterred, "Yeah, we want to be friends with both of you. Sasuke, you've been here for a few months, and we hardly know anything about you."

Sasuke, who had been steadfast in maintaining his distance from the overzealous fangirls and was known for his rudeness, replied bluntly, "No. We're eating alone."

Nina, silently nodding in agreement, made it clear that she wanted to stay close to her brother and wasn't interested in mingling with the more exuberant members of the class.

The fangirls, although taken aback by Sasuke's brusque response, respected the siblings' wishes and allowed them to have their lunch in peace. Sasuke and Nina found a quiet spot, away from the hustle and bustle, where they could enjoy their meal together.

For the Uchiha siblings, their bond was their primary source of support, and they were content to maintain their silence and solitude during lunch. Their journey at the Academy was just beginning, and the path they chose to follow would be uniquely their own.

After lunch, the students headed to their taijutsu training class, where they would practice physical combat techniques. Sasuke and Nina, along with the rest of their classmates, participated in the rigorous training, focusing on developing their agility, strength, and martial skills.

Following the taijutsu class, it was time for the shuriken throwing practice session. The students gathered in an open area, and under the guidance of their instructors, they honed their precision and accuracy in throwing shuriken, a fundamental ninja skill. It was a crucial part of their training as they learned to control and use various weapons effectively.

Sasuke and Nina, though reserved, applied themselves diligently to each training session, determined to excel in their pursuit of becoming skilled ninjas of the Leaf Village.

Despite her young age, Nina's innate talent and the Uchiha bloodline's exceptional abilities shone through during the practice sessions, almost as much as Sasuke's. Her natural aptitude for mastering ninja techniques, including shuriken throwing, was evident to both her instructors and classmates.

Nina's precise and controlled movements, coupled with her Sharingan, which she had awakened during the Uchiha clan massacre, allowed her to excel even when compared to her older peers. The other students couldn't help but be impressed by her remarkable skills, and it was clear that she was destined for greatness in the world of ninjutsu.

As for Sasuke, he continued to demonstrate his exceptional abilities, further solidifying his reputation as one of the most promising young ninjas at the Academy. The Uchiha siblings, despite their shared tragedy and quiet demeanour, were making their mark and leaving a lasting impression on their classmates and instructors with each passing day.

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