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It's that damn voice I dread hearing... this early in the morning. And I was hoping this morning would be chill, it's Friday of course. I just want to get the day over with and go home already and I literally just got here. I look up and say "Oh... hey Will." Will is a good friend of mine, has been for a while, but he is way too energetic in the mornings for me. "So babe whatcha got there?" He says with a smile. Oh yeah I forgot to mention he's got some extra zest to him if you know what I mean. We continue walking side by side being wary of cars.

I give him a look, it's October what would I be drinking other than a pumpkin spice latte. I shake the cup around a little and he takes it out of my hand to get a sip. I side eye him through my thick lashes but don't say anything, not wanting to deal with his whining today. "MM MM MMMM" Will moans obnoxiously giving me the cup back.

We soon approach the back entrance to the school and go inside. We are greeted with the sight of a crowded hallway, some students older, some younger, some teachers and hall aides. We make our way to the main stairs, not without people looking our way, some waving and saying hi while others give me a nod.

I'm as humble as they come but I'm going to be completely honest, some would say I'm popular. Not popular in the sense that I have a ton of friend groups, but popular in the sense that pretty much everyone knows me or at least my name in this school. I'm pretty much friends with everyone but close friends with a few.

It's kind of hard to scroll on TikTok without seeing at least one of my videos. I worked hard to get where I am so I'm proud, and no I'm not stuck up I don't think I'm above anyone. I will talk to anyone, I don't judge a book by its cover; no one is too quiet or "weird" for me. I love meeting new people and it makes me very happy when people here tell me they enjoy my content.

When we get upstairs I meet up in between lockers with a group of my closest friends. Izzy, Emma, and Aaliyah. We are a group of 5 counting me and Will, and they're just about the best friends ever.

My face brightens as Will and I near our group and they smile back. Izzy is the first to speak up, "Hey guys! TGIF am I right?" I cringe a little at that, that's something my uncle would text me- as if on cue I feel my phone vibrate in my hand. I smile and Will responds to her, "Hell yeah! But I wish I could really be free tonight." I drown out the rest of their conversation as I check my phone.

What the fuck my uncle did text me, can he hear my thoughts or something? I shudder a little at that and read the text.

Hallo Schatz! Ich weiß, es ist früh, aber ich habe mich gefragt, ob du heute mit deinem Lieblingsonkel abhängen möchtest! Lass es mich einfach wissen, ich wünsche dir einen schönen Tag in der Schule! 😘
(Hello darling! I know it's early, but I was wondering if you would like to hang out with your favorite uncle today! Just let me know, I wish you a nice day at school!)

I don't respond immediately because I'm not sure if I'm doing anything tonight. My dad is my best friend, we grew up together pretty much and we tell each other ALMOST everything. That's where Bill comes in. My Uncle Bill helped my dad raise me since he had me so young. He's basically a second dad to me and I can tell him everything else. Stuff my dad may or may not like, but what he doesn't know can't hurt him.

"ILA- MILA WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" My friend Emma is screeching in my face, I guess I got a little lost in my thoughts.

"Sorry! I was texting my Uncle, what's up?" This time Aaliyah responds, "Will has a date tonightttt!" I look at him in disbelief, William Greene has a DATE.

"Am I really that unappealing that you're THIS shocked Mila?" He fake cries. "Not that you're unappealing, I just can't believe you really seduced some poor boy. Who is it?" He glares at me, "Jace- umm... I don't know his last name. The one on the football team, number 25." I'm a little shocked, Jace is a cutie I can't lie. This was unexpected, he's only ever dated girls before that I know of. But before I can say anything the bell rings.

"Saved by the bell I guess, bye guys!" Izzie says with a little too much excitement for first period. We all say our goodbyes and go our separate ways.

My school day goes by as it's usual, normal, boring self up until 7th period when I'm finally counting down the minutes until I can leave. It's the end of class, we had some free time, when a boy approaches me. He has dark hair peeking through his LA Dodgers cap. He's wearing a black tee with a navy blue jacket and loose plaid pants. He looks cute I'll give him that.

I give him a small smile, I'm not familiar with him so it's a little surprising. Of course I've seen him around but I've never caught his name, he's on the soccer team and he has quite a bit of friends from what I've seen.

"What's up?" I inquire. He smiles back, "I'm Tyler, I just got my schedule switched around and I'm new in this class. You seemed cool and I didn't want to be alone in here." Cute. This is basically the only class I'm quiet in since I don't have any close friends in here, why not make one.

"Well that's sweet. I'm Mila." He raises a brow, "I've heard of you, Mila. Where's that accent from?"
"I was born in Germany and lived there for 4 years and then I moved here. The accent just stuck cause I only just learned English when I was 10." He pulls a chair up across from me, "It's pretty, I like it." The flirt.

For the rest of the class we chat as if we have known each other for years. We learned a lot about each other, it was a nice way to end the day.

Now I'm sitting in my car checking my phone before going home. It's 2:13 now and- oh!! I forgot to text my uncle back!

Es tut mir Leid!!! Ich bin gerade aus der Schule gekommen, ich habe frei, also können wir natürlich Zeit abhängen. Lassen Sie mich wissen, wann.
(I'm sorry!!! I just got out of school, I'm free, so of course we can hang out. Let me know when.)

As soon as I hit send I'm out of the parking lot and making my way home sweet home.


Once I arrive at home and go inside I set my stuff down and stretch my muscles. I can feel my phone vibrating signaling me that someone is blowing up my phone. I'm suddenly engulfed in a hug, the height tells me it's my dad. I hug back, I could fall asleep right now.

"Wie war dein Tag, Schatz? (How was your day, honey?)" "Gut, Will hat heute Abend ein Date. (Good, Will has a date tonight.)" "HUH?" "DAS IST ES, WAS ICH SAGE (THAT'S WHAT I'M SAYING)"

He pulls back and we bust out laughing. Neither of us could believe little Will, who I've known since 6th grade, got himself a date.

After talking to my dad for a good while I decide to go upstairs and get unready. Until I see a notification on my phone.

Wie wäre es mit 5? Ich hole dich ab und wir können zu mir nach Hause gehen und etwas zu essen holen. Ja?
(How about 5? I'll pick you up and we can go to my house and get something to eat. Yes?)

I respond with a "Hört sich gut an!" (Sounds good!) and get into something comfy.

A longer chapter cause I didn't realize how short the last two were.

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