ɢᴏᴏᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴀʟʟ

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"-and then I slipped on this random suspicious liquid in the hallway at school, I don't even wanna know what it was, and then my freaking friend fell on top of me. Literal 500 pound elephant- just kidding guys I love her" I say laughing. I'm on tiktok live, there's about 2.5k people on right now. There's usually more but it's getting pretty late and of course, time zones.

I'm telling them the story behind my newest TikTok, it's a video my friend took of me falling in the hallway and my other friend falling on top of me so I start hollering. Half of it was just for the amazing content but they're loving it, acronyms and laughing emojis flood my screen.

I see a notification pop up on the top of it, it's from my dad.

Es wird spät, du solltest bald ins Bett gehen. Morgens hast du Schule. Komm, gib Küsschen und sag gute Nacht.
(It's getting late, you should go to bed soon. You have school in the morning. Come give kisses and say goodnight.)

It's not that late... right? I check the time, 10:47? Time must've flown by while I was busy chatting and getting ready for bed with my fans.

I see messages in the chat asking why I went quiet, some still asking for more stories, and of course the occasional weird ones which I ignore. "I didn't even realize what time it was! Sorry guys I have to go to bed, thank you so much for joining. I love you, goodnight!" I say in a tired voice and I blow a kiss at the camera while ending the live.

I put my phone on charge and set my alarm for 5:30 AM. I set my phone down on my night stand, make my way out of my room and down the steps.

I walk into the kitchen, where I suspect my dad was, and sure enough he was. He looks up at me from his laptop and sets down his glass of what I assume is champagne. I take the seat next to him, lean my head on his shoulder and close my eyes.

It's peaceful moments like this that make life worth living. I love my fans and I love being an influencer, but my family will always come first. I feel my dad wrap an arm around me, place his chin on my head and place a few kisses on my forehead. "Ist alles in Ordnung? (Is everything okay?)" He says quietly, even if I'm a teenager now my dad will always worry about me. I look up at him and reply "Ja, nur müde (Yes, just tired)" He looks down at me and says "Schlaf etwas, Schatz. Gute Nacht, ich liebe dich. (Get some sleep darling. Goodnight I love you.)"

I get up and reply "Das werde ich, gute Nacht, ich liebe dich auch. (I will, goodnight I love you too)." I get out of the kitchen and make my way back upstairs, suddenly feeling sleepier than before. I did my nightly routine on live so it's more relieving to know I can just get in bed and sleep. I get into the hallway and I notice everyone else's lights are off, and my brain instantly knows it is bed time.

I trudged to my room and I'm greeted by the sight of my comfy bed and my walls decorated with band posters. My room is pretty big, it's my sanctuary. I dim the lights on low considering my fear of the dark, I turn my ringer on, get in bed and shut my eyes. I find myself excited to see what tomorrow brings as I enter my dream land.


(A/N) How was that? Don't be afraid to give suggestions just please be respectful this is my first time 😭🙏🏻
Just some cuteness cause I was bored but I'll try and update as much as I can. Istg I randomly thought of this while laying in bed. I'm still thinking about giving her a bf but lmk what you think. TYY

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