Chapter 10

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Ok yall. We are going to Write a long chapter! We are going to write a long chapter! We are going to write a long chapter! There, if I say it thrice then maybe it will happen, ya know?

Oh thank the heavens that it's the weekend. Now none of the people have to leave for school and I can torment them all I want!

"And how do you plan on tormenting us?" Edward say's appearing behind me.

"JEEZ MAN! Let me know when you're are just going to appear like that! It gives me the creeps. Also can you like, NOT read my thoughts for once? It's annoying. Like really annoying." I say turning back to Art, who is currently trying to naw my hand off, and failing. 

"Well maybe if you didn't broadcast them so obnoxiously loudly then I wouldn't have to listen to them. Do you really understand just how much you think about food? You can't even eat it, and yet you spend so much time thinking about it!" Well he's not wrong... I do think about food a lot... 

"Hey! Don't make this about me!" I try to playfully punch him but he moves out of the way, sending me to the floor. Art jumps on top of my and wags his little dragon tail. 

"That's so helpful Art. Thank you so much." I say with much sarcasm. Edward just laughs.

"I just wanted to tell you that the party is going to start soon. I'm about to go get Bella now." I perk up, it's been a while since I've seen her! This is going to be awesome!!! I watch Edward pull out of the driveway before I pull out my sketch book and draw her gift. It's a gift card to the book shop where we used to live, I put 100$ on it, just so she could get a ton when she goes there with Edward. This party is going to be so much fun!

Now let's hope I don't regret saying that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"BELLA!!!" Poor girl barely makes it past the door before I tackle her in a bear hug, effectively startling both her AND Edward. Honestly for how much he talks about how loud my thoughts are, you'd think he would have heard me coming.

"Well maybe sometimes I'm just trying to ignore you, because I know that you are going to be practically screaming inside your head." Dang, someone's snarky today. I just roll my eyes and drag Bella to the others. 

It is rather fun being stronger than her, I must admit. Now I can just drag her places instead of waiting. Alice tells Bella to open her gifts, and after some classic Bella protesting (Edward was dying inside at my thoughts during this which included "OPEN THE DANG PRESENTS YOU IDIOT" and "OH MY GOD I JUST WANT TO EAT CAKE HURRY UPPP"), she finally agreed and opened mine first!

"Rei! Thank you, I love it! But, how am I going to use it..?" Heheheh, My plan is coming together!

"Oh don't worry about it! It's good for forever so it'll be fine." I say with a smile. She looks at me skeptically before continuing.

That's when it happened. The reason why I haven't even thought of trying to go back to a human school. 


Bella got a paper cut and a thick thing of blood came down her finger. Time seemed to freeze, I couldn't move, but Jasper lunged at her. Edward blocked him but sent Bella flying into the glass mirror. Oh god, oh god, oh god, oh god. I don't want to hurt her. I can't hurt her. But she just smells so good right now... NO. I have to leave. I won't hurt her. I won't. Not now, and not ever.

I seem to unfreeze. The only way out is next to her. Crap. I run straight at her. I hear Carlisle shout but I keep moving. 

"Sorry." I mumble as I rush out of the glass door next to her. it shatters with the sudden force that I use but I keep running. I run until I'm stuck out in the middle of the woods and have no way of finding my way back.

I swallow. That was close. Like really close. 

I feel tears start to run down my face. I taste their salt on my lips. What kind of monster wants to kill her own sister... She's probably going to hate me now. The fear that she had in her eyes when I ran towards her. I don't ever want to see that again. Ever.

The sound of mechanical flapping fill the air. I turn around and see Art flying towards me. He slams himself into my chest, and gives me a dragon hug. I hug him back for a moment before I let go and he climbs up onto my shoulder. Then We continue walking in silence towards who knows where.

We end up reaching a cliff leading out to the water. I think it's the ocean. I sit down and dangle my legs off the edge, and just enjoy the view. More tears start to fall down my face, bur Art quickly licks them up.

I wonder if the Cullen's are looking for me... Maybe I should try to find my way back soon. Or maybe not. I don't know if Bella want's to see me again, and if these tears continue to fall, I don't want them to see me like that either.

"REI!" It sounds like Emmet, but he's still far away. I put Art on top of my head and start to climb down the cliff. Once I'm halfway I stop. There's a small cave there so I duck in there to hide. 

"Rei, come on!! Where are you? Bella's fine alright! Just come back!" It's Rosalie this time. They are closing into my spot. They must have gotten my scent. I scoot further back into my little cave. Hopefully they won't find me, I don't really want to go back right now. Having to look a everyone makes my stomach do flips. Not a fun feeling. 

I catch their scents, which means they are right above me. It seems like it's Rosalie, Emmet, Jasper, and Alice. Esme, Carlisle, and Edward are probably with Bella.

"The scent ends here." Alice's voice says from above. I have never been more glad for good hearing.

"I can still feel her emotions though. So she's still near by. My guess is she can hear us and is just trying to hide." Crap, I forgot he can do that. 

"Well in that case, Rei? If you can hear us, We're going to go back home now. We'll be back here tomorrow to try and get you to come back again, alright? Alright." Rosalie say's with a sigh. Then they are off. I wait for their scents to disappear before I move again. I'll stay here for now, then when it's first light I'll move again.

Wait. What about Franswa? Oh gosh I can't leave him...

"Alright, Art. I need you to do something for me, ok? I need you to go get Franswa, and bring him here. But you cannot and I repeat, cannot, be seen ok?" I pick the clockwork dragon up and look him in the eyes. He nods, then flaps his wings and sets off.

Now here I am. Alone. On the side of a cliff. After almost succumbing to the urge to kill my sister. 

Maybe I am better off alone.

Wow... So that was a fun chapter am I right? But heyyyy! It was a normal length this time! Alright, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!

Word count: 1275 


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