Chapter 5

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The next two weeks practically flew by, I spent most of my time with the Cullen's nowadays. After about a week Bella finally figured it out and confronted Edward about it. She was upset with me for not telling her and siding with Edward over my own sister (Her words not mine), but eventually understood why. Now I'm sitting in the car, with two love birds for a twenty minute drive, and I forgot my headphones. We're on our way to go play vampire baseball, what that is? No clue. But I'm going to find out soon, because we are here.

"Alright, Rei? I'm going to leave you here for a second while I take Bella there, Then I'll have one of the others come get you alright?" He says after we all get out of the car.

"Sounds good to me!" At that he throws Bella onto his back and takes off. About a minute later, Jasper shows up out of nowhere, scaring the crap out of me.

"Hey Rei!"

"AHH! Jeez! Don't sneak up on me like that!" 

"Sorry, sorry." He says with a laugh.

"So you're my ride?" I say with a smile, remembering the first time I found out about them. He was my "Ride" then too.

"Ha, guess so!" He says as he (More gently and less startling this time) puts me onto his back. Then we're off. Speeding through the woods, faster than any car. Once we clear the tree line I see a giant open field. He takes me over to Bella and Esme and then rushes off to go join the others.

Esme and Bella have their little umpire cheating moment, and I find a nice cozy place to sit while I draw out the scene before me. It still amazes me how every time they collide, it sounds like thunder, or a rock falling off a high mountain. All went well for the first three or so hours. After that though? That's when the mayhem started.

Three unknown vampires strolled out into the field and up to us. Within an instant, Bella was with Edward, and I was with Alice and Jasper. They were masking our scent. I tried to calm myself down to mask it myself but I couldn't, Jasper tried to help but they had to stay focused as well. They seem nice though. Me, Bella, Edward, Jasper, and Alice, all turn to leave so that they wouldn't smell us, and that's when it happens. The wind blows, James I think his name was, gets a whiff of Bella and lunges. Throwing Edward out of the way. Reaching for my sister. All I can think is how much I don't want her to die. So without thinking, I run from Alice and Jasper and tackle the idiot who thinks he can hurt my sister. Since I had the element of surprise I threw him off her and quickly got her and myself back to Alice and Jasper. The Laurent guy got James under control and then we ran.

We got to the Jeep and Jasper practically threw me inside. Bella And Edward were taking the Volvo. I was in the middle seat Emmet and Jasper were on either side of me. Rosalie was with Bella. Now, as a frightened 14 year old, that absolute LAST thing I wanted to happen was to be separated from my sister. I tried to climb over Jasper, thinking it would be easier (It wasn't). He threw me into the seat and Emmet strapped me in to the off roading harness before I could react. I saw the Volvo leave, but it was going in the opposite direction. I started to claw at the harness. Desperate to get out of what felt like icy claws. 

"Rei stop!" I think that was Jasper? I can't tell left from right at the moment. I feel someone grab my hands, that must be Emmet, and a wave of cool seem to wash over me. I start to relax, I feel my eyes start to droop.

"It's ok. We've got you." I allow my eyes to close and my head to fall onto some ones shoulder. I'll just rest my eyes for a moment. 


I feel myself being lifted out of the car and carried into the house. The person sets me down on the couch. The drowsiness has started to wear off now, so I slowly sit up and look around. I seem to be in the living room of the Cullen's house. I get up and creep over to the kitchen to see if anyone is there. Surprisingly everyone but Rosalie, Edward, and- BELLA! Oh god, is she ok? Is she hurt? I feel another wave of cool come over me and look up to see them starting at me.

"Thanks..." I say, unsure of what to do. The adrenaline has worn off and I start to feel tears coming. I do what any sensible (In my opinion) person would do. I push them down into the darkest depths of my soul and ignore them. I'm the happy friend, not the one who always needs help, or consoling. I'm the happy one, the one who you lean on when you need help, or just need some one to be there for you. Not the other way around.

"No problem." Jasper replies.

Alice pats the counter next to her, she wants me to come sit with her. So I do. I hop up and use the cupboards as a head rest.

"That was a pretty brave thing you did! Tackling a vampire like that!" Emmet booms, obviously trying to fill the silence. Carlisle after making sure I was ok, had left. Something about Laurent wanting to see him.

"Yeah, probably stupid though." They all chuckle a little. Carlisle come back in with Laurent behind him? Not soon after, the rest of the Cullen's and Bella are back as well. I run up to her and give her a hug. she hands me my backpack and skate board. What does this mean?


"I don't want to talk about it." She says walking past me with Edward. I look down at the stuff. I feel the tears start to come again. Knowing what this means. Yet again, I push them away. We start to form a plan with everything that we've been told and already know. Me and Bella are going to go with Jasper and Alice to Arizona, while the others try to keep the tracker (That's what they are calling James) away.

We load our stuff into the car. I say a quick goodbye to everyone and get in. I put my earbuds in and zone out to the music. 

Let the circus begin folks.

All done with this chapter! I told you guys that some fun stuff will be coming! What do you guys think is going to happen? Let me know in the comments! That's all for now!

Word Count: 1155 

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment!



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