Chapter 2

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 "Rei!! wake up we're gonna be late!!" I groan. Why does school have to start soooo earrrlllyyyyyy. I slowly roll out of bed after about 10 minutes of much needed wake up time and throw on my clothes. I give Franswa some more leaves and open the blinds for him. Then I shove my sketch book and pencil case(Pencils, charcoal pencils, and a pencil eraser) in my bag as well as a few school books and head out of my room. 

"Come on!" 

"OH MY GOD BELLA I"M COMING!!" I practically scream back, grabbing a travel mug and filling it up with coffee. Yes coffee, because if you could not already tell, I. Hate. Mornings. If I don't at least get a little bit of caffeine in me, rest assured that I will make everyone's day a living hell. I rush out of the door after attempting to put my shoes on and grab my skateboard at the same time and jump into the truck.

"Finally! Geez, and I thought I was the slow one." 

"Ah whatever." I say as I fix my shoes. It was cloudy and raining out, shocker. Since Bella has NO taste in music, I pop my own earbuds in and blast "Super Villain" in my ear on repeat. Nothing like a good ole beat drop to start the day off!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After Bella parks and a few kids snicker at the truck, who I send death glares to them for. I (Much to her disliking) separate off from Bella. If I'm going to have to spend the rest of high school going here, I don't want to be fully dependent on her. I keep my ear buds in as I stroll through the halls. My god people really do like to stare. Like god get a grip on yourselves. Just because we're new doesn't mean we aren't just like you! Well- Bella is just like them, from the looks of it, I'm the happiest person here, as well as the most colorful. I smile to myself at the thought, well this is one way to make a statement! 


Crap, the bell. I walk into my class and find my seat. Well, let the new life of boring classes commence!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~At Lunch because I'm to lazy to write all of the classes.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I grab my tray of food and look around. All the tables are full. Bella looks like she's enjoying herself with the group of kids she found. Well sort of enjoying herself, she looks like she is ready to disappear or spontaneously combust. I can't decide. Well since all the tables are full, I'll just go outside and draw. I start to walk to the door and actually manage to close it before I (Quite literally) run into someone. my tray starts to fall but they grab it for me. 

"Thanks, sorry for running into you, I wasn't watching where I was going." I say as I look up at him- or them I should say. As I look up I see a small group of people standing in front of me. The one who I ran into was kinda tall, Blonde messy hair, and quite frankly looked like he too, wanted to spontaneously combust. I hear a almost laugh coming from the one next to him, He's tall with dark brown hair, built kind of like a "Movie style life guard" I guess. Then there's the short on with a pixie cut, she out of them all, looks the most friendly. The last two are at the back, A pretty blonde one, probably the most pretty person I've ever seen, and well... The only way to describe him is, he's a bear. He's almost completely covered in muscle.

The tall messy haired blonde seems to have realized I was talking to him and starts to speak up.

"Uh, yeah. That's ok." 

"Alright then, see ya..." Man, could this be any more awkward. I inch my way around them and start to head out to the picnic tables, since the rain has decided to be nice and let up. 

"Aren't you going to eat inside? The rain might start up soon." I turn back to find them all staring at me.  It was the pixie girl who asked.

"Nah, not much to draw inside, and quite frankly, it's rather depressing too." I say smiling to myself. There also wasn't any open tables, but they didn't need to know that.

"You like to draw?" She askes as all the other start to file into the cafeteria. 

"Yeah! It's one of my favorite things to do!"

"Same!" She exclaims starting to get excited.

"Really? Can I see some? I don't mean to be rude, I just haven't met many people here who like to draw..." I say a bit sheepishly. She seems a bit reluctant then agrees. We walk inside to the cafeteria and go over to their table. I sit down between the bear and pixie.

"So ah, what's your name? I haven't gotten it yet." I can't call her pixie girl forever!

"Oh well I'm Alice! And this is Jasper sitting next to me."

"Nice to meet you two!" The others have started to sit down with us as well. They all throw Alice a weird look, trying to be secret about it but I catch it.  they all start to introduce themselves.

"Hi there! I'm Emmet!" the tall bear one exclaims in a booming loud voice only to be shushed by the pretty one next to him.

"Rosalie. Pleasure." Well she seems like a ball of fun, now doesn't she.

"And I'm Edward. It's nice to meet you." Ah so this was the one who laughed for no reason.

"Pleasure to meet you all! My names Rei." I say as I start to pull out my sketch book to start to show Alice. As I turn around for the bag, that's when I notice it. Everyone, and I MEAN everyone is staring at me. Not like before where it was from wanting to see who I was, but it looked like a mixture of awe and disgust. I grab the sketch book and put it on the table. For the rest of lunch me and Alice look over them. Making comments on the good stuff and criticizing the bad stuff. Which there wasn't much of. Before I knew it the bell rang. 

"You're amazing at art! I'll bring some of my stuff tomorrow if you bring some more of yours?" Alice says as we walk out.

"Sure! Sounds like a deal."

"Alice come on. we're gonna be late." Rosalie yells. 

"Alright, see you Rei!"

"See ya!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~After school~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Now I remember why I hate school. Piles of homework, 6-8 hour days, and exhaustion. I walk up to the truck and throw my bag in. Bella isn't here yet so I won't be able to leave. So I put in my ear buds and find a nice quiet spot (meaning no cars), and start to practice on my skateboard. I do a few Ollies to get warmed up. Then I started do do more of the fun stuff.

"DO A KICKFLIP!" someone yelled from the parking lot. I look up and see a small group of kids watching me. Rolling my eyes I complied. Then I did a Dolphin flip, and a few shuv-it's, and a 540 flip. By the time I was done Bella had already come out and was hanging out with some people. The crowd had started to disperse and I hopped onto the back of the truck turning up my music. I bobbed my head along to the beat and just waited for her. Maybe I could hold onto the back of the truck while she drives and ride on my board?

She said no. 

We got home and ate, then I ran up to my room to finish my homework. Once I finished I felt like drawing. But what to draw? I sat down at my desk next to Franswa and pulled out the sketch pad, and stared at it. I know! I remember Alice's face pretty well, so why don't I draw her? Then I can give it to her tomorrow! Once I was done with the drawing (I decided against color, and just went for a nice black and white. I put it in the folder I had compiled to bring with me the next day. I got ready for bed, and fed Franswa some more food. Sweet only midnight! I'm going to bed early! I curl up and let myself slowly fall into the abyss of dreams.

All right! Second chapter done! WHOO HOO! I have some drama with the Cullen's coming up but I'm not to sure yet. I don't have much to say right now, so I'm going to go (Attempt) to make decent ramen. Bye!

Word count: 1474

P.S. Don't forget to leave a comment/vote!

Also what is your guy's favorite flavor of ramen?



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