Chapter 6

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We reached the hotel at (For Bella) an ungodly hour of the night, for me, it was early. We checked in and went up to our room. I sat with Jasper and Alice while Bella slept. I drew a horrifying picture of what I'm going to call a demon. No idea why I drew it, I just did.

The next few days went by slowly. Bella started to get twitchy, I wanted to go outside and skate, the usual. That's when we got the call. Edward had called to let us know that the tracker stopped following them and started coming for us. Alice and Jasper went to go check out, and left us up here. Then the phone rang.

It was James. 

There is no possible way to describe how I felt when I heard our mothers voice on the other end of the phone, scared, sad, and confused. You know the saying "The nicest people are always the most dangerous"? Or "Even the nicest people in the world have their limits. Don't try to reach that point, because the nicest people are the scariest when they've had enough". Well, I've definitely reached my limit. I'm going to rip that James slowly to pieces, then burn him one by one. Then I'll find that mate of his and do the same to her. Nobody. Hurts. My. Family. I'm going to bash his head in with my skate board.

Bella grabs her shoes, I've already put mine on so I grab my skate board. I'm going to kill him. Slowly. We sneak out and grab a cab. Going straight to the dance studio. We both get out and run in. I hear my mom calling from a closet so Bella runs over there. 

It's a recording. Oh god.

All the anger suddenly disappears. The realization that she was never here sinks in. We got tricked. 

"Bella. We've got to get out of here. Now." I say, trying to keep my voice down. I had turned around after the recording to see if he was there, so I turn back now to see James standing over my sister. 

"Now why don't we make this fun, eh? I'll even make a lovely little recording for Edward to watch. I hope you don't mind, I borrowed this from your home." My anger returns as he throws Bella when she tries to run. I suddenly can't see anything. I was told that when you are livid you see red, but all I can see is black. Black and that... That monsters face. I start to creep up behind him as quietly as possible. Once I'm close enough, skate board already raised, I slam it down with as much force as I can right into his head. He groans. My board breaks. He throws me, hard, into a mirror. I seem to have gotten his attention. I start to get up only to be forced back down.

"Now you'll make a tasty little appetizer now won't you?" He says as he pushes down on me harder. He lifts me off the ground and throws me against a pillar. He threw me so hard that it started to crumble. Before I can stand, he grabs me by the collar and lifts me up with one hand, camera in the other. 

"See this Cullen's? This is what going to become of not only this little cygnet(Baby swan), but your other swan as well!" He starts to laugh as he bashes me into the pillar time after time after time. I've started to lose all feeling of pain. I can barely register what going on. I feel myself get thrown into another glass wall. I can faintly hear Bella screaming. I'm starting to get tired. I've lost a lot of blood, from all the glass to the pillar. James walks over to me and props the camera up, why would he do that? 

"There, now they'll be able to watch the whole thing. Start, to finish." He starts to kneel down in front of me. Oh. He's going to drink my blood. At this point though I can't feel a thing. Before he even gets close enough to do anything though, I see someone grab him and throw him. That's when it all goes black.

Third person POV

"REI!!!" Bella screams from Edwards arms. Compared to her sister, she is relatively fine. Her sister on the other hand looks dead. At her scream, all attention seems to go to Rei, who sits unconscious. Carlisle runs up to her, and checks her pulse. His face somehow manages to get paler. The others have joined him now, having taken care of James.

"Is she ok..?" Bella asks, voice weak. Carlisle doesn't answer, he just continues working. Using Rei's hoodie as bandages in spots that need it. "Answer me. Is she going to be ok?" Bella asks now shaking. 

Carlisle pauses.

"Bella. Would your sister be willing to become a vampire?" They all freeze.

"What?" Bella and Edward say in unison.

"I don't see any other way of keeping her alive." He replies evenly. All eyes turn to Bella.


"Don't think from your perspective, think from hers." Rosalie say's.

 "I think... I think she would love it. All she's talked about since you guy's told me is how cool it would be to be like you guys. So yes. I think she would." Bella finally says teary eyed.

"Alright then. I'll have to do it now though." They all nod. Carlisle leans down, and bites.

Normal POV

I didn't think pain like this was possible. I thought all the pain was over, that I was done. Oh how wrong I was. It feels like every bone in my body is breaking. Like I'm being lit a flame from the inside out. Describing what I feel would be impossible. Someone lifts me up. Their touch feeling like an even hotter flame against my skin. I whimper. I am soon set down in what feels like a car. I subconsciously curl myself into a ball. The tears coming down my cheeks feel like lava. My limbs feel so heavy and painful. If anything touches my skin it's like one  thousand needles of lava piercing my skin. Causing me to cry more, which then causes more pain. It seems to go on forever. Non stop. Sometimes I'm more alert then other times, but I can never open my eyes. Right when I thought that the pain would never stop, when I had given up. It started to lessen, little by little it became more bearable. Until, it stopped. I waited a few minutes, but it never came back. Then I slowly opened my eyes. It was crazy. I could notice all of the little tiny details on things I had never noticed before. I tried to stand up and walk around, but I moved so quickly that I sat back down. Someone opens the door, and my head snaps up.

"Hello, how're you feeling?" it's just Jasper. He comes over and sits next to me. 

"Uhm" Do I tell him? What if he thinks I'm crazy? A familiar wave of cool washes over me. I look up at him. He's smiling.

"Do you know what happened?"

"Uh, the last thing I can remember is this really intense pain. It was like-"

"Fire?" He finishes for me.

"How did you?" Then it hits. The speed, the eye sight. I try to stand up but almost fall over again. He catches me with a laugh. I attempt to slowly walk over to the mirror to look at myself. I start with the shoes, then the legs, arms, torso, neck, hair. Everything seems pretty normal. Then I look at my eye's. They are bright red. The color of blood.

"Am I a.." I don't need to finish my sentence to know what's going on. 

I'm a vampire.

Dun dun duuuunnnn~~! Did you guys like it? I don't have much to say other than my fingers are tired so this is going to be the last chapter for today. Now here's my question for you guys. 

Do you think she's going to have an ability? If so what will is be? If not, why?

Alright that's all!

Word Count: 1367 

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