Chapter 9

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Theodora's POV - Saturday October 24th, 1998

"Good morning!" I shout entering the shop.

"Morning!" The twins call back in sync with one another as they stock up shelves. Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes has only been open a few months but business is absolutely booming!

Rolling my eyes with a smirk on my face, I drag my feet over towards the two redheads. "I hate when you two do that!"

"We know!" They both once again say in sync before shooting me identical grins.

Grumbling under my breath, I try to repress my growing grin. "You know, I can't stand you boys some mornings."

"You love us!" Fred smiles happily adding another Skiving Snackbox to a shelf.

George moves to pull me into a hug. "Andddd because you love us... you're going to be a doll and work a double while we go out tonight."

"Oh for fucks sake! No! I'm supposed to have dinner with Remus and Sirius tonight."

"You can reschedule that! But Fred FINALLY got a date with that girl who keeps buying out our Pygmy Puffs."

I roll my eyes at George. "Okay, so that gets Fred out of working. What's your excuse hmm?"

"She only agreed if it was a double date!" He grins ear to ear. "You're not going to deny our dear Freddie a chance with his dream girl are you??"

"Uuuuuggghhhh finnee! But you both owe me!" I groan out.

Heading up to my office, I quickly write out a simple letter explaining that I'll need to cancel dinner plans for the evening and recommend moving it to next weekend. Giving the note to my fluffy white owl, it flies off headed towards the Black-Lupin home.

The day moves quickly as customers flood the store and pull all three of us in different directions in order to keep up with the fast paced day. By the time 4pm rolls around, it's far quieter, but still steady and Fred and George sneak up to our flat to get ready for their double date, officially leaving the building to meet the two girls at 5 o'clock on the dot.

"Evening, Verity!" I smile at the shop assistant who will be joining me for the next few hours.

"Didn't know you were working tonight." The blonde smiles as she places her bag behind the counter.

I bring my hand over my heart dramatically. "Wasn't supposed to, but Freddie's in loveeee."

"Ahhh he finally land a date with that girl who kept coming in to 'look' at the shelf across from the register?"

"The very same."

She laughs before shaking her head. "Ooo she is way out of his league."

Laughing and making some small talk we enjoy the lull in customers before the Saturday night rush of tipsy wizards wanting to cause mischief comes stampeding in. And stampede they do!!! As a few people knock over the display of Broom Broom Kits and wreck the shelves with all the Nose Biting Teacups, havoc seems to explode within the shop. Ohhh those twins owe me triple favors for this nightmare of an evening!

"Oh Merlin." I compain under my breath as I go around the store straightening up over and over again while Verity rings customers out.

"Busy night?" A deep voice asks as I'm restocking the Rubby O'Chicken's which for some odd reason completely sold out in the last hour.

"You have no idea." I quickly reply before lifting my eyes up to take in the sight of what I can only describe to be the most beautiful man I've ever seen. Chiseled jaw, long wavy black hair, gray eyes that I want to melt into, and tall... oh wow... so tall. "Hi." I awkwardly squeak out as I accidentally stubble forward, triggering the 8 chickens to go off and begin their rendition of a traditional Irish Step Dance while squawking. "Shit!" I shout trying to grab the chickens and cast the reversal charm.

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