Chapter 7

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Regulus' POV - Friday January 13th, 1978

With James in full protective mode, Theo and I haven't gotten a moment alone together since that first night during Winter Break. Damn him!

Looking over at the group with Theo sitting between her parents, I casually wave my wand under the desk so an enchanted note appears on the book she's reading. A smile instantly covers her face. Her green eyes dance up to meet mine and she gives a quick nod in agreement.

With me being the only one that knows it's her birthday, I have set up the perfect surprise activity to not only help her relax, but will also give us some alone time. Let's see James try and ruin this!

With classes concluded and dinner eaten, Theo excuses herself earlier than normal from our group meeting.

Waiting a good 20 minutes, I finally excuse myself as well, hoping the gap in time is enough to satisfy James from following, but just in case I cast a quick disillusionment charm so he can't spot where I'm headed. Reaching the boat house, I pause to look around and see if she got here early. Nope. Right as the hour hand chimes on the clock tower, she strolls down the steps and over to me.

"Happy Birthday." I whisper, pulling her into a tight hug before releasing her and taking out a gift box with a green ribbon.

"I don't need a gift, Reg."

"Ohh come on, just open it. Its nothing big." I smirk down at her as she takes the present and slowly unwraps it.

"Romeo and Juliet?" She looks at me with a smile.

Suddenly nervous, I find it difficult to find the right words. "Umm, well I thought of getting you a necklace but I never see you wear any jewelry... and I remember hearing you talk about liking muggle literature... so I looked into it and found Shakespeare was a really popular one... uhhh shit. I'm sorry. You don't like it? I'll get something else!" Reaching for the book, she snatches it back.

"I love it." She smiles, holding the book to her chest tightly. "It's one of his most famous plays."

"So you've read it before?"

"Mhm." She nods, moving to sit down on the ledge looking over the Black Lake. "It's a famous love story, even in my time."

"Oh." I blush, not realizing what the book I gave her was about. "Uh, can you tell me about it?"

"Well, umm yeah." Her cheeks get a bit more rosy." Clearing her throat she looks across the dark water. "Romeo and Juliet come from rival families and they fall madly in love." She glances over to me for a brief second before looking back over the water. "Even though their families oppose their union they sneak off and are married in secret... a lot of other stuff happens where Romeo ends up killing a member of her family and other stuff, but at the end Juliet ends up having to fake her own death in order to sneak off and be reunited with him. Romeo doesn't know this plan so he thinks she truly dies when news of her death reaches him. He travels to go visit her body and he... well he takes his own life, unable to bear the thought of being without her."

"Oh shit. I thought you said it was a love story?"

"It is." She defends giving me a soft smile.

"He dies! How is that a love story?!"

A tiny frown passes her face as she looks over at me. "Not all stories have a happy ending... sometimes love only flourishes for a brief moment."

Pausing, she gently moves to rest her hand on top of mine and I wonder if she might be thinking of our story at this moment. "So what happens after he dies?"

Defying Destiny: A Regulus Black Love Story  (Regulus x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now