Chapter 5

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Theodora's POV - Sunday December 11th, 1977

Bringing Remus to the room of requirement, I finally tell him the truth. "Seriously?" He looks at me with a skeptical but intrigued look. "I raised you? Me?"

"Mhmm." I chuckle. "You did a pretty good job too... I mean... we struggled with money cause of... well your condition, but I always felt loved." A smile falls on my lips, as I finally get to speak to my adopted father freely.

"So how does he fall into all this?" He points over to Regulus who is leaning against the fireplace.

"Wellllll..." I scratch the back of my neck. "We kind of move in with Sirius after he escapes Azkaban and I meet Reggies portrait."

"Sirius goes to Azkaban?!"

"Uh yeah... But not for something he actually did!" I choose not to bring up Peter's betrayal. "He was completely innocent... but he gets blamed for my parents' deaths."

Leaning forward in the chair, he runs his hands through his hair before taking out a piece of chocolate and eating. "This is A LOT to process."

"I know."

"And Dumbledore knows all of this?"

"Mhm." I nod my head.

"Huh..." He continues thinking through every I told him. "What year did you say you were from again?"


"So given your age... that would mean James and Lily would need to-"

"Ew stop!" I cut him off. "Yes, it would... in a few months time..." I shake out my limbs in disgust at the idea of my parents together in that way. "But the mission will be long over before then."

"Okay..." He takes another bite from his chocolate bar. "I think you should tell them."

"WHAT?!" Regulus and I both state.

Scratching the back of his neck, Remus looks at me with the same kind eyes I saw as he raised me. "I mean... if for some reason this doesn't work... you never get to know them..." My heart aches a bit at his words. "And they'll never get to know you, or your brother... I think... I think it would be good, for all of you if you told them."

"It could alter the future too much... Freak my mom out and push her away from Dad completely. It could result in me not being born."

"Ehh." He waves his hand. "Lily has already fallen for him. She's complained to me one too many times about her confusing feelings for him when they patrol the halls together." He smiles up at me. "They are already moving together, I think you saying this will only solidify their pairing."

"Hmm." I think, chewing on my lip as I weigh the potential consequences.

"I agree with him." Reggie moves forward to stand next to my chair. "I saw what the anniversary of their death did to you... I think you should spend some time with them." He moves down, to tuck my hair out of my face. "And not as that fake tough girl act you put on... but as you."

"I am tough." I state back with a smirk.

"But you're also a prankster with a garbage sense of humor and a huge heart." I blush from his words as my eyes dart to the floor. "You should show that side to them, give them a chance to meet you."

"Ughhh." I groan, throwing my head back. "I hate time travel..."


Fetching the rest of the Marauders and Lily, Remus and I wait as Regulus volunteers to bring them here. Hopefully Peter can play along and act like he doesn't know anything... oh well... even if he doesn't it would be his head on a spike when I explain why he knows.

Defying Destiny: A Regulus Black Love Story  (Regulus x Female OC)Where stories live. Discover now