Episode 5: Traveling to Fairlands

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A few moments later

"where do i go- MY MAP! I can't go back in now! I'm like- 5 kilometres away from the library! I don't want to walk a long way again!" I sighed while trying to figure out a way to go to the fairlands

It would be quite a rough journey if I don't know where I am heading to. Suddenly, I remembered something.

"My Kamera! Phew, I'm lucky I stole it from the store! Let's see... Yup! There it is! Now we just need to follow the way. It would have been more effective if I went and stole a phone though, but it's fineee who cares" I said while trying to follow the photo of the map

"Hey! Watch it weirdo!"

"Oops! Sorry!"

"Hey! You okay? It seemed like someone was being rude to you just now.."

Tall, Emerald eyes, and long velvet hair. The tall ass stranger was very pretty, I can tell that she pulls alot of boys - unlike me - because of her modern style and kind attitude.

"It's fine.. I'm used to it by now. Thanks for your concern by the way. I appreciate it." I spoke giving a gentle smile

"Where were you going? It looks like you're heading to the Fairlands" he questioned

"How keen of you to- anyways, yes, I am going to the fairlands. Would you be kind enough to help me? I have seem to lost my way because my dumbass couldn't read maps!"

It was true tho. I couldn't read maps. It has been decades since I've last read one and it's pretty new to me now.

"Here, you can have this Tsaruk device. The device is pretty useful for traveling since it tracks your location and guides you for where you're going."

The Tsaruk device looks like an ipod but with a bigger and better screen.

"Uhh.. thanks-? Sorry, I'm not really used to people giving me stuff so it's kind of awkward. The device would help me a lot with my travels so thank you kind woman." I thanked her

"You're welcome. Oh and also, just call me Valeria." She smiled

"Valeria.. thank you, I'll be heading towards the fairlands. Goodbye! Oh, and have a nice day as well!"

💭: °well she surely is nice, I hope we meet again sooner or later in my journey°

Meanwhile after they went their separate ways...


*Valeria picks up the phone*

??: "have you found her?"

Val (?):"yes. Yes I did. It seems like she's headed towards the fairlands but do not worry because I gave her the Tsaruk. It will 'help' her for sure alright."

??: "good, very good. We shall continue our investigation about the missing convict of time. You may rest for now as I will go ahead and inspect this Individual."


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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