There Goes The Neighborhood

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Lisa leans her elbow onto her thigh as she looks out at the field from the bleachers. She can see Lia from the corner of her eye mimicking her as they watch Aden's practice. She hadn't seen him truly play football yet. He's not full on playing, but it's enough to see that her son has true talent for the sport. She can't help the little grin on her face as she watches him dodge a tackle flawlessly. She wishes she could have been there for his first game. Watched him progress into the player that he is today. Cheer on with Lia next to her. Be the one who had taught Lia the semantics of the game. She shakes the thoughts of the past away. She's here now, especially when she probably shouldn't be. She needs to watch as he progresses from here, teach Lia new things about the game. She can do those things now.

Lisa listens to Lia yell at the football players, and it makes her laugh and shake her head. She can only guess her father was the one that taught her everything. Lisa remembers when her dad would take her to the High School games and would teach her everything about it. Lisa hadn't been as enthusiastic about it as Lia is. She would just quietly discuss the different methods they could go about winning the game with her father. It was their thing when she was younger. Gustus was young when he had Lisa so he had acted more like a friend than a father when she was younger. So taking to her to football games and speaking to her like she was an adult already was the norm for them. She's found herself speaking the same way to Lia now that she's back.

She's been slightly avoiding Jennie since she went back to work and the outburst she had in Arkadia. She wasn't expecting to have such a strong reaction to seeing rice, but it felt like Mengenala was mocking her or something. That he was at the restaurant just waiting for his opportunity to strike. When they left that evening, her and Jennie barely spoke. They just silently went to bed and drove home the next morning. She knows Jennie wants answers, but Lisa just doesn't feel ready to give them to her. She knows she can trust Jennie and that she'd never judge her. But at the same time, the things she went through were beyond devastating. She doesn't want that burden to fall on Jennie either. She doesn't want to devastate Jennie with the things that happened. So it's easier to just keep it locked inside and let herself carry the burden. But even she knows it's not entirely locked up safe in her mind. It's plaguing her existence nearly every night now. She is snapped out of her thoughts when she hears the final whistle and Aden jogging over to the bleachers with his helmet off. She looks up and smiles at him.

"You did amazing! Seriously. I know this was just a practice but watching the little i've seen, I know you're gonna give me a good show when I see your first game." Lisa praises him.

He smiles brightly at her. Lisa then suggests he go shower and they can walk to go to the ice cream parlor before heading home. Lia and Lisa goof around a bit as they wait. She's been doing better about walking about town, although she doesn't go alone. She usually brings either Aden, Lia, or both with her. Everyone for the most part has been giving her the space she needs, although a few times people will make a joke that makes her quite uncomfortable. But overall, the neighbors have been okay. Soon, Aden comes out and is ready to go. Lisa grabs her cane and holds on to Lia's hand as they walk off the bleachers and walk further into town. They walk past the town regulars and Lisa smiles politely at them as she continues talking football with both Lia and Aden. Soon they arrive at the ice cream parlor. Aden enters first and holds the door open for both Lisa and Lia. There's only about two other people eating their ice cream in a a booth in the corner. The owner, Katie Burton, is behind the counter and lights up when she sees Lisa and the kids.

"A real soldier, coming to visit little ole' me?" Katie smirks. Lisa rolls her eyes. Katie had gone to High School with both Lisa and Jennie, and according to Jennie, had and may possibly still has, a big crush on her.

"Can I get three waffle cones?" Lisa orders. Katie smiles and starts grabbing one waffle cone.

"Absolutely, who wants to pick the flavors first?" She asks. Lia instantly shoots her hand up and Lisa chuckles and pushes her towards the glass case to pick out her ice cream. Once they all pick their flavors Lisa goes to pay. "It's on the house, soldier." She winks. Lisa sighs and shakes her head.

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