War, Terrible War

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Lisa lays on her stomach in the trench, eyes scanning for the enemy. She has her gun loaded and pointed across the way. It's eerily quiet. She hears a whistle and looks over to her left. Officer Sheffield is giving the platoon quiet signals, pointing over to a nearby trench on the enemy side. Roberts cocks his machine gun and Lisa squints, trying to look for what her commanding officer is seeing in the darkness. It's then a white flare is sent up into the sky, illuminating their positions. A few yards away to Lisa's right, a bomb goes off, sending dirt raining over them. Immediately another bomb to her left, then a few yards in front of her. Bombs are going off everywhere as they keep their heads low, Lisa feels the adrenaline pumping through her veins as the dirt splashes over her. They quit after a few moments.

"Head count!" Another officer over in another trench calls out.

"First squad up!"

"Second squad up!"

"You guys okay?" Officer Sheffield asks. Everyone nods their heads. "Third squad up!" He yells. Just then another white flare shoots up into the sky, illuminating them once more. While everyone is slightly mesmerized by the flare, Lisa looks out in front of them. She sees the movement of Reapers, climbing over barricades and raising their guns.

"Reapers twelve o'clock!" Lisa yells out. Within seconds, everyone is firing their weapons.

Lisa shoots her gun, bullets are all over the place, she's not sure whose getting which Reapers as the lights of the bullets reign everywhere. They begin shooting at them too, a mess of bullets flying everywhere. Lisa's gun cartridge is empty within a few seconds.

"Reload!" Lisa yells out. She roots around for more ammunition just as Reapers begin running towards her. "Cover!" Lisa yells, just then Artigas guns them down, the Reapers dropping like flies. She quickly reloads her gun and begins firing off again. Then Roberts yells out 'reload' as more Reapers come charging forwards. Lisa sits up slightly and sprays bullets at them, they drop down, lifeless. Not long, Roberts is reloaded and the machine gun begins going off once more. It seems like an endless amount of Reaper soldiers are coming out of the forest. Lisa continues to fire until once more she's out. She reloads and after a few shots, her gun jams.

"I got a jam!" She yells out. Mitchell rolls over towards Lisa and covers her while she attempts to get her gun unjammed. She reaches into it and grabs the stuck bullet, after a few tugs it flies out. She sits back up and begins firing once more. They continue firing as well as throwing grenades at the enemy. Bombs and guns are the only thing ringing into Lisa's ears. She's broken out of her shooting trance when her and Roberts are being yelled at.

"Move to south trench, they're running low on ammunition!" Sheffield orders. Lisa grabs the magazines of bullets as Roberts grabs his machine gun. They both quickly get up and move into the forest. Bombs and bullets fly past them as they make their way to the south trench. Roberts is in front of her but stops abruptly. Lisa looks and right in front of him is a Reaper soldier. Roberts drops his machine gun and hits the Reaper in the face. Lisa raises her gun to shoot him until another Reaper jumps out from the bushes, Lisa fires at him but misses because he's moving too fast. He comes charging towards her and Lisa takes the butt of her gun and hits him in the face, he falls over. Lisa moves on top of him and grabs her knife and begins lifting it up to stab him. Before she's able to, the Reaper is awaken and tossing Lisa like a rag doll off of him. He then straddles her and begins fighting Lisa, hitting her a couple times in the face, Lisa is able to get her hands around his neck and flip their positions. She punches him several times until he catches her wrist and forcibly flips her over onto her back, knocking the wind out of her. His hands wrap around her neck and he begins squeezing. He doesn't squeeze for long when Roberts uses his handgun and shoots the Reaper on the back of his neck, blood spraying all over Lisa's face. She wipes her eyes so she can see and throws the Reaper soldier off of her.

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