The End Of The Affair

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Summer has officially arrived and Jennie's vacation days are running out. Lisa's been back for nearly a month now and if Jennie didn't know any better, she'd think she's adjusted just fine. But she knows better. She knows what's going on behind closed doors because she has now been a witness to it. She keeps it closed tight so their kids don't know, but Jennie knows. She knows there are things that are haunting Lisa every night. That Lisa hasn't had a good nights sleep since she's came back, possibly since she left home all those years ago. Jennie knows Lisa isn't sleeping well because Jennie is up and witnessing why she isn't sleeping well. It started simply, really. She woke up in the middle of the night to find Lisa pacing. Not exactly pacing actually, but bending at an awkward angle with her arms around her back, almost like she was carrying something heavy on her back. She'd just go from one side of the room, to the other. She had called out to her and Lisa didn't acknowledge her at all. Like she was in a trance. Then she just silently stopped and went back into bed. When Jennie tried to ask her about it, she claimed she didn't know what Jennie was talking about. That was at the beginning.

Then it escalated to Lisa waking and standing from the bed. She'd stand at the foot of the bed, stick straight, head up. She'd then recite the Weather National Anthem. Jennie once again would try to get her to acknowledge her, but received nothing. Just her repeating it over and over again until she went back to sleep. That's when Jennie realized she was sleep walking. No recollection of having done it the morning after. She's also found whenever they get up in the morning, Lisa always bolts into the bathroom to shower. Jennie has found many times her side of the bed drenched in sweat. So much so she can see the outline of where she had been laying. There was one incident that had terrified Jennie. It had happened a few days before and she was lucky she was able to wake her up. Jennie, of course, had become a light sleeper since Lisa's constant getting up started. She had awoken around 3 am and noticed Lisa wasn't in the bedroom at all. She got up quickly when she noticed their door wide open. She peeked into both Aden and Lia's room's but found only her sleeping children. She then went downstairs and all the lights were still off. She then noticed the backdoor was wide open. She quickly got shoes on and went out into their backyard. There towards the back fence was Lisa crouched onto her knees, and she looked to be digging. Jennie went out into the yard.

"What are you doing?" Jennie had asked her confused. Lisa didn't acknowledge her and just continued to dig a hole with her hands. After a moment, she responded, although it sounded like more to herself than to Jennie.

"It has to be ten feet by ten feet so it can fit the bodies." Lisa said. A chill went down Jennie's spine as she stared at Lisa wide eyed. Jennie felt her heart pounding and went over to her to wake her up.

"Lisa wake up, you're asleep. Please wake up." She had said as she approached. When Jennie touched her arm Lisa cowered. She quickly moved away from where she had been digging and flinched at Jennie.

"Please stop. Please! Please! Don't hit me again, I can't take it. Please!" She started pleading. Jennie just stared at her confused and shook her head. She didn't know what was going on, but hearing Lisa's broken voice hurt her so much.

"I'm not gonna hurt you, baby. You're fine." Jennie tried to soothe, but Lisa dismissed her, clearly had thought she wasn't Jennie but someone else. She was still asleep, although she had been looking right at Jennie.

"If you're gonna do it just kill me! Please just kill me! I can't take it anymore, I can't do it anymore! Kill me please!" Lisa called out in agony.

Jennie felt her heart clench and bent down to the ground to try and wake her up as Lisa cried out. She wrapped her arms around her and tried to hold her steady as she continued to ask her to wake up. The crying had stopped abruptly and Lisa stood up quickly, wide eyed. Jennie looked up from where she was still sitting and Lisa was looking around frantic.

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