Something Wicked This Way Comes

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Jennie sits in the kitchen, making sandwiches for Lia and Aden. They haven't gone back to school yet, Jennie having them pulled out for the rest of the week. Lisa's been asleep going on nearly 48 hours now. She never stirred when Jennie had got into bed next to her the night of their arrival back home. Stuck in the same position Jennie had left her in that night. She actually went and checked her pulse to make sure she was still breathing.

"When can we wake up mama?" Lia asks. Jennie sighs, having already had that conversation the day before.

"She'll get up on her own time. She's had a long journey and is exhausted. Just be patient." Jennie tells her.

Thankfully she nods and Jennie sets her sandwich in front of her as Aden plays on his phone. Jennie stretches out her back, feeling the effects of getting older each day. Part of her is with Lia. Ready for Lisa to return to the land of the living now, but the other part knows how exhausted she must be. How she needs to rest as much as she can.

Lisa awakens with a start. Her entire body is covered in sweat. The long sleeve t-shirt she wore days ago drenched. She felt like she was trapped in an endless loop of everything that happened to her. The mission. The attack. The betrayal. The running. The capture.
Mengenala. She always thought Quint and Artigas leaving her would be the main subject of her nightmares. But it's Mengenala that has the starring role. His torment on her psyche and body making her feel like he's right there in the room. Always lurking in the shadows, waiting for her guard to be let down. She sits up slowly and studies the room. It's light out now, she doesn't know how long she had been trapped in the never ending nightmare. She feels exhausted though. She stands shakily and makes her way into the bathroom. Lisa strips herself of her drenched clothes and makes her way into the shower, actively avoiding the mirror. She lets the heat hit her skin and lets it bring her back to the present. Mengenala is gone. He can't hurt you anymore. You're home. You're with Jennie, Aden and Lia now. No one can hurt you. After repeating the sentiments several times she feels somewhat better. She rubs herself down nearly raw. Sometimes still feeling the fleas on her skin. She finishes up and wraps herself quickly with a towel as she goes to the mirror. She combs her hair and starts to put a simple fishtail braid on the side. She leaves the confines of the bathroom and goes to the closet. She assumes Jennie must have just unpacked her things, there's no way her wife just kept her things laying around for six years. She would never want that for her. She picks a simple t-shirt that's too big for her and a cardigan that's too big for her. Her jeans are also too big for her but she just rolls them up. Some of her leg scars showing. They're definitely a lot smaller in diameter. Less noticeable. She looks at herself in the mirror and is satisfied for the moment and moves to put her brace on. She figures Jennie must have taken it off while she was asleep. She opts out on using her cane, thinking if she pushes her body enough, it'll cooperate.

She walks down the steps using the railing and hears chattering in the kitchen. She makes her way down and starts walking towards the noise. The sight in front of her brings a smile to her face. Just like before she left. Aden is sitting in a stool, eating a sandwich. Lia is on the opposite stool also eating a sandwich and Jennie is in front of them on the other side of the island. Jennie notices her and perks up.

"Hey sleepy head." Jennie says to her. Lisa chuckles.

"Hey yourself. How long was I out?" Lisa asks.

Lia jumps off of the stool and makes her way to Lisa. Lisa bends down and picks Lia up. Her shoulder and back are protesting it, but Lisa just ignores its pleas. Lia kisses her on the cheek as Lisa makes her way to sit in the stool with Lia on her lap. Jennie gives her a pointed look but Lisa ignores it.

"Close to two days." Jennie states. Lisa nods, sounds about right.

"Do you want a bite mama? It's PB&J." Lia turns to ask her.

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