"Where are Lisa and Luna?"

"I sent them down first, then came to see you."

"Why not all together?"

"Why do you ask so many unnecessary questions?" he retorted, sounding bored.

The elevator stopped on the ground floor, and as the doors opened, I found myself facing a massive crowd. They were all heading towards the large door, which was open this time.

"Don't get lost in the crowd!" Alex whispered in my ear, surprising me with this gesture. He then extended his hand towards me.

"How could I get lost when everyone is clearly heading towards that huge door?" I asked, but I still looped my arm through his, not really resisting.

He didn't say anything else; he just joined the rest of the people as we moved toward the door together.

The room was adorned with long tables on one side, where people sat and chatted. In the center, there was a spacious area for dancing. On the right side of the room, tables were set up with drinks and food. At the end of the room, I spotted a stage.

"Ana!" Oliver stopped beside me, accompanied by a girl. He wore a dark blue suit that made his hair appear a shade lighter. The girl next to him wore a flowing light blue dress, and she had neatly braided her brown hair. "Good to see you. You look stunning."

"Thank you, Oliver! You look great too. The blue suit is a good match for your hair color."

"I'm glad you like it. This is my sister," he said, pointing to the girl.

"I'm Olivia Torres," the girl introduced herself, extending her hand toward me. "And you're Ana Lewis. Nice to finally meet you."

"Likewise. Your dress is beautiful."

"Thank you. Your green gown is equally impressive. It suits you well."

Alex also shook hands with the girl and introduced himself.

"I've already met your sister," Olivia said to Alex.

"Where is she?"

"Come, I'll take you to them."

Olivia made her way through the guests, and we tried to stay close to her to avoid losing sight of her among the crowd. As we approached the tables, I immediately spotted Chris with his light hair. He stood by one of the chairs, dressed similarly to Alex but with the addition of a jacket. He gestured toward the chairs and tables while explaining something to those around him. As we got closer, I also noticed Sarah, who stood behind the boy, with Piper by her side. Sarah wore a black skirt and a white blouse, while Piper wore black elegant trousers and a white blouse.

After being left alone, I walked toward Daniel. Mark noticed me first, smiled at me, then nudged Daniel's shoulder with his elbow. Daniel looked up, and our eyes met. He stood up and walked toward me. He was dressed exactly like Alex and Chris, and he also didn't wear a jacket. As we reached each other, he enveloped me in his arms. He held me tightly, one hand on the back of my neck and the other in the middle of my back.

We stood there hugging for a long time, surrounded by the massive crowd. Eventually, he pulled away from me, and his gaze traveled down my entire body. 

Just like Alex did. However, Daniel's face conveyed something, unlike Alex's inscrutable expression. Love, admiration, and... desire radiated from Daniel's eyes. No one had ever looked at me like this before.

"Ana, you're unbelievably beautiful. You look stunning," he said. 

"And you look incredibly handsome. I'm sure many would agree with me here."

Light in the Darkness (English)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin