Introduction To My Concept

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Forgive me.

A groan of annoyance stirred Sonic the hedgehog from his slumber. "Knuckles....! Shut up...!" Sonic complained into his pillow. "I can't help it... it's fucking noon..." Knuckles complained. "And...?" "AND we need to leave... get up." "No... just go." Sonic pulled the covers over his head. "...I'll be here..." However, Amy had enough of seeing Sonic sulk and seemingly suffer in silence. "Sonic! EVERY year without fail, you whine like this. Same time, same days, and you won't tell us why!" Sonic just groaned again. "What changes... What happened?" Sonic peeked out. Everyone was staring at him with a look he hated seeing on others faces for him. Pity. "....I don't... It's stupid... don't worry about me." "Well we are! We won't mock you... it's probably not even stupid." "Well-" "Shut up, Shadow." Amy scolded, but the hybrid just smirked proudly. ".....if I tell you what bothers me every year, will you leave me alone?" Sonic asked, and everyone agreed. "....fine... it's stupid and childish but..." Sonic hesitated, sitting up on his bed and leaving the blanket covering one of his ears. "It's a dream... every day for three days in a row, I have the same dream every time I fall asleep... even if it's a five minute nap. And it... I've had it happen every year since I can remember." Sonic explained. "What happens in your dream...?" Tails asked cautiously. Sonic was a world hero with no family, and endless amounts of friends and fans. Anything unpleasant could be involved. "...'S dumb.... I... I can't see anything.... my vision is just filled with red... like a dark-ish red. I can smell burning... Burning flesh, blood, and metal.... some... somebody. I feel a blade on my neck... but it's what I can hear that bothers me the most.... a child begging... I... I believe it's me.... begging somebody to not do something. Saying that I love them, that I'd be good... just... just telling them not to do it. And then loud static... and these past few years that static has turned to words. Somebody says 'You'll regret this.'... the static comes back as the red turns to a sky blue. I feel like I'm getting thrown, and the feeling jolts me awake." Sonic lowered his ears as he took note of the silence, and tried to laugh it off. "Heh... told ya it was-" "It wasn't stupid, Sonic." Everyone went from sympathetic to shock as Shadow spoke. "What you just described would be torturous for a single rest... you go through it for three days. We all know how often you nap and sleep... You've also been through it for YEARS." Sonic hummed softly. "I guess so..." "...Do you... recognize the voice?" Rouge asked. "No, it's distorted... but... the word 'Papa' gets called by the child voice several times." Sonic explained and then laid back down and pulled the covers up again. "Ok, I told you... please go away..." Sonic said, and the group left his room... but Tails and Amy had the same idea. Put a name and face to the voice. It was only the first of three days, so the duo rushed to create the machine Tails had in mind.


A dark overlord tossed and turned... his nightmares returning for the next three days. Mumbling curses in French, he sat up with his head low. With a sigh, he looked at the shadow on the wall, seemingly bawling it's eyes out with no sound but static. "Not this year either it seems..." The shadow looked at it's master, pouting. "I miss my child too. Maybe when he returns, these nightmares will end." With a long cracking stretch, Alastor stood up and got himself dressed. Even though he and the other residents of the hotel knew he wouldn't be leaving his room for three days. The shadow whispered to it's master as Alastor made a bottle of liquor appear. "Maybe... but... he'd be what... over 30 now?" Another whisper. "I know, but perhaps he has a partner or child of his own by now. Odd to think about, I know..." A third whisper. "Of course I will, I don't care. It's just strange to consider. Enough about that... Let's forget." The seemingly one-sided conversation ended as Alastor began to drink his sorrows away.
~Back On Mobius~

Sonic slept as noon of the second day arrived. Tails and Amy snuck over to the curled up hedgehog, speaking in whispers. "So how is it going to work?" "Simple! It will log the location Sonic's dreaming about, and then it will teleport everyone in this room to that location. If we can find the location, maybe it will spark Sonic's memories and his nightmare will stop." Amy nodded and Tails carefully hooked Sonic to the machine. The machine softly whirled as it scanned for a location. 

TotOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora