Arish: but what?

Mimi: but after a year, that dirty incident happened, and her family sent her to our house. And after 6 months of that, when a new year was to start.....

Arish: then?

Mimi: our family decided to move us here. For better education, unknown Face, a change of air, after all everything!

Arish: wait wait! So what's your relation with their family?

Mimi: our families are friends maybe.

Arish: how. Confusing!

Mimi: yeah. Now our life's are stable. Sunmy changed but at least forgot about him.

Arish: yeah.

Mimi: but..... I don't think it's the same now....

And Sunmy Was Getting in the room

Sunmy: what are you two talking??

Mimi: nothing!

Sunmy: tell me! Tell me what it is!!

Mimi: it's just because of yesterday rain. He just stayed here. Nothing else!!

Sunmy: really? (Suspensions eyes

Mimi: yeah! But..... What happened to you? You don't sound the same....

Sunmy: nothing.

What really happened (past story)

Sunmy: hey Yohan!! Why aren't you ready yet? We'll be late!

Yohan: let's go! I have so much to say today!

(Grabbing Sunmy's hand)

Sunmy: why are you......

Yohan: shh. Just follow my lead.

Sunmy: but where are you taking me? Our bus is in one hour!

Yohan: somewhere....... Where I can find my.......

Sunmy: your what?

Yohan: where I can find my Sunmy back.

Sunmy: but I'm here. Which else Sunmy do you know?

Yohan kept walking without answering Sunmy's question

At their old school.

Sunmy: why did you....... Bring me here?

Yohan: to you to remember past. Remember old school, friend, and self.

Sunmy: what are you taking about?

Yohan: hey Sunmy!!! Get out of it!! I don't want to see you like this!!

Sunmy: like how? I'm totally fine.

Yohan: no you aren't!

Sunmy: what nonsense? I'm totally fine without any scratch or anything.......


Sunmy: I didn't even do any plastic surgery......

Yohan: you did. A big one.

Sunmy: me? Plastic surgery? No no! I didn't. What difference do you see to think so?

Yohan: look at your heart, your soul! It was so lively! You were so lively!!

Sunmy: I....... Ain't I now......?

Yohan: no!! Try to remember her!! The Sunmy I knew! She was lively... Happy... Bubbly... She used to talk with everyone. Wanna know everyone's tea. That was the Sunmy I knew

Sunmy: that was a old one. And not like knowing everyones tea is a good thing.

Yohan: at least you were happy?

Tear fell down her eyes.

Yohan: don't you want to move on and be happy? You wanna remember him forever? That jerk?

Something really kicked Sunmy's mind.

Wiping off her tears

Sunmy: you're righ. I'm going to be happy. For real now.

Yoohan hugs her

Sunmy: ugh... I'm suffocating! Let go!!

Yohan let's her go.

Yohan: ok ok.

Sunmy: let's go now. Bus is coming anytime now

So here are they now

Sunmy: may I know why are you still here?

Arish: s-sorry........ But......


Mimi: pfft!

Sunmy: why are you laughing?

Mimi: s-sorry. Pfft!

Sunmy: okay. You may leave after breakfast.

Arish: okay.....

While having breakfast

Sunmy: tell me what happened in this two days.

Mimi: umm. We had lunch together. But Dia.......

(Suddenly stop)

Sunmy: Dia what?

Mimi: no!!!! I totally..... No. We totally forgot!!!!! (Scream)

Arish: oh my god! You scared me!!

Sunmy: What did we forgot?

Mimi: Tomorrow...... Is Dia's flight.

(Spoon drop)

Sunmy: shit

Arish: do me have to go too?

Mimi and Sunmy: how would we know!

Arish: why wouldn't you? Your friend! You know!

Mimi: ugh, let's just eat first.

Meanwhile Jenna.

Jenna's mom: Jenna!! Open the door! Someone is ringing the bell!

Jenna: okay!

Jenna opened the door and.......

Seb: hi baby!!

Door close

To be continued........


What was Arish thinking while getting out of Mimi's house?

In Arish's mind: ugh! Why am I running away like this? It's not even a one night stand! I just..... Held her in my arms...... And kissed her maybe....

Author: Why did Seb suddenly visited Jenna? Well.... I'll tell you tomorrow.... Hehe

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