Chapter 12: Pretending within snakes

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No One's POV
Every snake including (Y/N) finally arrived in the city of Oroborous and yet the Winter Breath snake is a having a Deja vu because he knows that Lloyd will get in trouble in the mid of all these snakes.

(Y/N)'s POV
I'm in the arena with the serpentine general beside me. I clutch my silver staff in my hands and I could feel two emotions right now. A feeling of excitement, knowing that I experience being in the Lost city of Oroborous with these snakes and dread because Lloyd will get in trouble.

'What am I going to do? The ninjas are going to see me in the morning. I have to think of something to prove to the ninjas that I'm not betraying them' I pondered to myself thinking of a way to let the ninjas and Sensei Wu.

"Hey (Y/N). You okay" My deep thoughts were cut off as Acidicus put his hand on my shoulder and I could see him looked at me with concern.
"I'm... I'm alright Acidicus. Why are you asking?" I respond while putting on a straight face before glancing at Lloyd who were sitting there on top of the Slither pit with the snakes.

"You don't looked okay (Y/N)" The Venomari general seems to know that I'm feeling troubled.
"I'm not used to the loud noises. Acidicus" I lied to the Venomari general because if I told him the truth then my cover will be blown just like Lloyd.

"Oh don't worry... This will be quick" I heard Fangtom told me because I know that the fight will begin soon enough.

The serpentine generals slither towards and that would include me as well.
'Oh no. I'm going to scream in so much pain when I hear the Sacred Flute that counters the powers of the Serpentine' I swallowed hard while I hold my silver staff on both of my hands.

"I fought hard for this staff and I will not give up easily" I heard Acidicus beside me and he sounded angry towards Pythor's challenge.
"There's no way that you can defeat the five of us at once" Skalidor was the first to attack before he swinged his staff but Pythor dodged it, hitting the Constructai general back.

Acidicus got punched in the face, Fangtom got tail slapped in the face by Pythor and then I got punched in the stomach
'So... Awesome' I clutched my stomach both in joy because I considered this real experience that Pythor hit me in person and pain because he punched me so hard, making me dropped my silver staff on the ground. 

Skalidor, Acidicus and Fangtom begins to hit Pythor repeatedly but then my eyes widen in fear when Skales placed down the sacred flute in front of Pythor.

'This is going to hurt' I mentally exclaimed before Pythor plays the Sacred Flute causing Skalidor, Fangtom and Acidicus to cover their covers in pain.

"Ahhhh! Make it stop please! Make it stop!" I screamed in so much pain cause the Sacred Flute sounded like a painful sound of nails, scraping against a chalkboard in my ears.

After Pythor was finished playing the flute. He punched the serpentine generals except for Skales and me who had our staffs on the ground before the Anacondrai.

"Bow to your master" Pythor say in low voice while holding their staffs including mine. I stood up from the ground doing what the Anacondrai wanted us to do.

"BOW TO YOUR MASTER SERPENTINE!" Pythor yells in triumph as I bowed before the Anacondrai before me and the rest of the serpentine did the same as well but then we heard a sound of falling maracas.

'Oh no!' I mentally screamed when I looked at Lloyd who got his cover blown and now he is in big trouble.

~Several minutes later~
I slither towards Lloyd's cage with a plastic bag of bread
'You're bravery is admirable but this is only the beginning Lloyd' I thought to myself as future seasons flood my mind towards Lloyd.

"I... I brought you dinner" I uttered to the little boy who then turns around to face me as I gave him the bag of bread.
"Uhh... Thanks... Who are you? You looked different than the rest" Lloyd asked me a question, knowing that he doesn't really have any clue what a Winter Breath is to him.

"My name is (Y/N) and what about you" I introduced myself, pretending to be a stranger to Lloyd.
"I'm Lloyd Garmadon" He respond while he begins to eat his bread as for his dinner.
"Well Lloyd. It's nice to meet you" I flashed a smiled at the little boy.

"Do you want me to company you tonight? I promise that I'm friendly" I reassured Lloyd in a friendly manner.
"I guess you can... It's quite lonely in here even though these snakes imprisoned me here" He responded with a sad tone while eating his bread.
"Don't worry Lloyd. I'll make sure that they won't hurt you" I reassured the boy while putting on a determined face.

I accompanied Lloyd the whole night and I know the ninjas will come here in the morning.

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