Trailer/Prologue: Never give up hope...

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On a planet that was once a bastion of humanity - Earth - became nothing more than a barren wasteland, a series of hostile alien machines are attacking the troops. And what's unusual on the battlefield are what appears to be females around ages 10-25, yet are not ordinary humans, are facing the dreaded alien machines. Guns blazing and explosions ringing on the most intense battlefield.

The scene begins with a young white-haired girl dressed in white and grey, carrying her assault rifle and a pack of heavy artilleries that are too heavy for her.

The scene begins with a young white-haired girl dressed in white and grey, carrying her assault rifle and a pack of heavy artilleries that are too heavy for her

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But she's no ordinary human as she charged her way and fought back against alien machines. She took cover and trained her rifle at the enemy machines who were attacking her and her squadmates. It was until a single blast destroyed the cover and knocked her away.

In the middle of the gunfight in the ravaging battlefield, the little girl was knocked out briefly until she slowly regained consciousness, she vaguely spotted someone who quickly ran towards the enemy machines. And to her surprise, that person appeared to be... a human dressed in a mix of grey and blue-colored military battle suit with a white-colored helmet donned on his head.

 a human dressed in a mix of grey and blue-colored military battle suit with a white-colored helmet donned on his head

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???: Of all the things I've seen on the battlefield of Earth...the Pilot is a true dominant force.

Once that mysterious soldier is closing in, he jumps with his booster and throws a Pulse Blade which was embedded in the wall, emitting a sonar wave to detect enemies.

He then powerslides underneath a large quadrupedal enemy machine and throws a heavily modified grenade. And then shot down two of the enemies that were closing in on him, and in sync, the grenade blew up the quadrupedaled machine into pieces.

???: Fast and agile.

Then, he proceeds to jump with his booster and swings down his projected silicon-carbide blade at his enemy, slicing it in half. Then he outmaneuvers human-sized enemy machines with his reflexive CQC before ending them. Next, he quickly observes the area of the battlefield before he begins his course of action.

???: Graceful, yet devastating. Perceptive...resourceful...and relentless. A Pilot sees the world differently.

However, one of the alien machines fires a devastating laser beam at him, but he evades it when he grapples his way directly at the wall before wall-running to the openings.

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