"Is there a problem?" Charlotte asked, shutting the front door. She looked over at her husband who had a confused and annoyed expression. She moved so she was standing next to him, wrapping her hands around one of his arms.

"Who are you?" Herbert asked rudely. The police man smiled.

"Dr. West," he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a badge. "Lieutenant Chapham."

"Police," Dan stated, giving Herbert a knowing glance.

"That means you must be Miss. Charlotte Lancor," Lieutenant Chaphman smiled at Charlotte.

"Mrs. Charlotte West, actually," Herbert corrected him. "What do you want?"

"It's..." Chapham ignored his question, procceding to look around. "It's... quite an old place you got here."

"It use to be a mortuary," Charlotte stated, faking a smile.

"After the cemetery filled up, it was the caretaker's house," Dan continued. "Nobody's been here for twenty years."

"Odd place to live," Chapham commented.

"Has its advantages," Herbert commented back.

"Pretty morbid stuff," Chapham picked up one of Herbert's textbooks and flipped through its pages.

"I don't consider science morbid," Herbert retaliated.

"It was pretty morbid the night Dr. Carl Hill died," Chapham surprised the three of them with his sudden statement. "And Dean... Dean..."

"Halsey," Charlotte answered.

" Dean Halsey. Yeah," Chapham smiled. "And Megan Halsey." He looked over at Dan, who managed to keep a straight face somehow. "Do you mind if I sit down?" Dan motioned towards the couch, allowing the man to sit. "Dr. West, what kind of problems did you have with Dr. Carl Hill?"

"Dr. Hill and I had professional differences; it was nothing personal," Herbert reached around Charlotte's waist - she let go of his arm - and he held her close. "I have been all through this. It's in the police records, which I am certain you have access to."

"I understand that you have some radical ideas about... the reanimation of dead tissue?" The Lieutenant began to question. It was then that Dan noticed the tiny creation Herbert had made in the basement had somehow made it's way upstairs and was sitting on the back of the couch. Dan looked over at Herbert and Charlotte, who saw what he was looking at not long after. Charlotte's heart started racing.

"W-when I was in medical school, I might have had time to discuss the theory," Herbert answered cautiously. "I don't anymore."

"I suppose those poor souls out at the Sefton Ward... are theory?" Chapham gave him a look, trying to read what Herbert was thinking. Dan saw the creature start moving, and he carefully positioned himself behind the couch, conveniently making it look like he was resting is elbows on the back. He saw the tiny creature jump down onto the sofa besides the Lieutenant, going unnoticed. 

"I don't know what you're talking about," Herbert lied, Charlotte felt his grip on her waist tighten.

"And I suppose you don't know anything about the missing body parts at the hospital?" Chapham looked up at Dan. Dan gave him a confused expression.

"Missing body parts?" Dan looked towards Herbert. He only stole took body parts of people who were scheduled to be cremated. He did tell Herbert he had to get his own now, apparently he wasn't as slick as Dan was.

"No," Herbert raised his eyebrows, faking confusion.

Chapham sighed, dropping Herbert's textbook onto to couch cushion next to him. Dan, Herbert, and Charlotte all watched as the tiny creation was squashed under the weight of the book. Lieutenant Chapham stood to his feet.

"I can find my way out," Chapham gave a wink to Charlotte, making her cringe before seeing himself out of the front door.

After he left, Charlotte rushed over to the textbook and lifted it off of the couch cushion. The creature was surrounded by a small puddle of green ooze, its eye was split from the pressure. Dan only sighed and looked up at Herbert.

"Aw, this poor guy," Charlotte frowned. Herbert came up behind her, scooping up the now deceased creation into his hands and made his way to the kitchen trash can, dropping it inside. He proceeded to wash his hands of the ooze in the sink.

"I -" Dan tried to collect his words as he pitched the bridge of his nose, still trying to process everything that happened. "I... I'm done for the night." He stumbled up the stair and Charlotte heard his door shut.

She made her way into the kitchen, walking up to Herbert standing at the sink and wrapping her arms around his waist from behind.

"Sure sounds like it was an interesting day for everyone," Charlotte smiled, feeling the Herbert's warmth through his shirt.

"Sorry you had to see that," Herbert apologized. "Supposedly the police began looking into Dan and I about the Miskatonic Massacre almost a year ago."

"What was he talking about with the missing body parts?" Charlotte asked. "Is that for the thing you want to create with Meg's heart." Herbert sighed and turned around to face her, she was still wrapped around him.

"I never wanted to get you involved in any of this," Herbert admitted. "I want to have a normal life with you, but my passion for science, it -"

"You chose to involve me in your abnormal life the second I walked down the stairs to your basement," Charlotte smiled, mentioning the time she visited Herbert to tell him she was pregnant, only to be kidnapped by Dr. Hill in the end. "I wouldn't have agreed to marry you if I didn't already know what I was getting myself into. Through sickness and in health, for richer or for poorer." Herbert smiled. "I with you to the end of the line, baby." She leaned in and pressed her lips against his. "The only thing I'd be worried about is Stacy. I don't want you to ever get hurt, or in trouble, and you not be able to be there for her."

"Darling, you have nothing to be worried about," Herbert kissed Charlotte's forehead. "They haven't caught me yet, and I'll make sure they never will... just ignore the fact that police may or may not be after me right now." Charlotte laughed, making him laugh too. "And I would rather sacrifice my life than letting anything happen to my baby girl."  Charlotte smiled. She pulled Herbert into a hug, he hugged her back, holding her tight. They remained there for awhile, just embracing each other.

"You know..." Charlotte started. She began roaming her hands down Herbert's back, going lower and lower until they rested upon his buttocks. "It's amazing how much of a strong relationship we have that it doesn't need to be physical." Charlotte then squeezed, eliciting a shocked noise from Herbert.

"What are you insinuating?" Herbert cocked an eyebrow with a smirk. Charlotte blushed.

"The last time we were physical was when we had our 'one-night stand'," Charlotte noted. "And now that we've been married for a few months, and have been growing closer and closer to one another... I think I'm ready to start being physical again." Herbert's eyes widened as a blush covered his face.

"A-are you serious?" Herbert mumbled, too shocked to speak full sentences. "I- I mean, I was drunk the first time we did it, I'm not going to be as -"

"Trust me, Herbert," Charlotte smiled. "You've done it once before, and I know that you've been wanting this for awhile too."

"Well... yes, I suppose so," Herbert chuckled. "I just don't want to disappoint you."

"Believe me, you never could disappoint me," Charlotte looked him up and down, smirking to herself, making Herbert smile like a mad man. "I can take the lead again, if you want me to?" Herbert slowly nodded, still smiling.

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