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It's been about a month since Charlotte Lancor first met Mr. Herbert West and Daniel Cain. She had never expected the dinner with the two of them - as well as Meg Halsey - to turn into her waking up in Herbert's bedroom. Things became kind of awkward between the two of them after that morning. They simple stated it was just a silly drunken one-night stand and decided to just become friends. Charlotte had talked to Dan and she knew that he wanted her and Herbert to be more than just friends, but Charlotte figured Herbert wouldn't be invested as much as she would be... until now where she was starting to have second thoughts as she started down at the two pink lines on a positive pregnancy test.

This was definitely not the plan. Charlotte began to freak out in one of the hospital's women's bathroom stalls. Of course she had some feelings for Herbert, she knew she did they night they spent together as well as the morning after, but Herbert seemed like he wanted to forget the whole thing. It was like he was purposely trying to make himself emotionally unavailable, but what would he possibly do when he finds out he's going to become a Father?

Charlotte wiped her tears and shoved the test in her scrubs pocket. She washed her hands before exiting the bathroom out into the hallway. She wasn't paying attention to where she was going and accidentally bumped into someone. She looked up to see it was just Dan. He looked slightly nervous as he gripped the gurney that was currently occupied with a recently dead body.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry, Dan," Charlotte apologized.

"Hey, it's no worries," Dan forced a smile. He saw how red Charlotte's eyes were, as if she was crying. "I know it's none of my business, but are you alright?" Just from him questioning her, Charlotte had to hold back the tears from falling again. She let out a sigh.

"I can trust you, right?" Charlotte asked. "Not Meg, not even Herbert?"

"Of course you can trust me," Dan reassured. "What is it?" Charlotte took a deep breath before pulling the test out of her pocket. She moved close to Dan, to make sure know one could see what she was about to show him. Dan looked down at the test and his jaw dropped. "No way." Dan down at Charlotte. "Are you for real?"

"I feel like this is pretty real, Cain," Charlotte sniffed, fighting back the tears. Dan let go of the gurney and pulled Charlotte close and hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry."

"Why are you sorry? You have nothing to apologize for," Dan held her. Charlotte let out a single tear as Dan whispered to her. "Are you going to tell him?"

"Of course I am, I just have to find some time where I can get him alone," Charlotte whispered back.

"If all goes as planned, you could get him alone later tonight," Dan responded in a whisper. "No promises though, but I'll leave the spare key under the front door mat just in case." Charlotte stepped back and wiped the tears from her cheeks again.

"Thanks, Dan," Charlotte spoke normally. "I'll let you get back to work then."

"Don't mention it," Dan smiled at her. "Good luck." Charlotte smiled back at him before walking off down the hall.

Dan started making his way towards the elevator. Once he was in the elevator, he her a pstt sound the sheet cover. He lifted them up to see Herbert's beaty little eyes looking back at him.

"Was that Charlotte?" Herbert asked curiously.

"Uh, yeah," Dan answered hesitantly, not wanting to reveal Charlotte's little secret.

"Why did she sound like she in distress? And what did she tell you that shocked you so badly?" Herbert started questioning.

"How about we focus on the task at hand, and we talk about this later?" Dan stated before covering him once again as the elevator doors opened and he pushed the gurney down the hall towards the morgue.

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