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"The Pretorious resonator," Katherine McMichaels stood in awe as she reached the top of the steps to the attic of the Pretorious house; along with Crawford Tillinghast, Herbert West, Charlotte Lancor, as well as now being accompanied by Sergeant Buford "Bubba" Brownlee.

"Wow," Charlotte had never seen anything like it. She held tightly onto Herbert's hand as he helped guide her up the stairs. "This is incredible!"

"Yes," Crawford only stared at the machine. "I had knocked a fork off, so it is not in complete working order... but this is how it was." He noticed white tape on the ground with the outline of a body without a head.

"That must be where that so-called 'thing' ate Pretorious?" Herbert sighed, still not completely believing his brother's story.

"What a minute... what ate who?" Bubba questioned, clearly not knowing exactly what Crawford had went through.

"We can start in the morning, Crawford," Katherine informed, seeing as it was already very late. Crawford only shook his head.

"I've already started," he knelt down and picked up one of the forks that he had knocked off of the resonator the night of the incident.

"Alright then," Herbert began rolling up his sleeves and getting himself ready to assist Crawford as much as he needed.

"All this talk about eating is making me hungry," Bubba had laughed to ease the weird tension in the room. "How about we have some dinner?" Charlotte was the only one to acknowledge him, being very hungry herself. "The real danger here is starving, damn. Let's let these nerds figure fix that thing while we go feed you and that baby of yours." 

Bubba hooked his arm around Charlotte's as he began to lead her towards the stairs and guide her down them. Charlotte could feel Herbert's eyes staring at her as she walked off without him, but he wasn't going to run after her. She probably did need to eat something, as well as stay away from the resonator.

Charlotte helped Bubba find food in the kitchen, and the two made a delicious gumbo dish. The dished out portions into bowls and carried them back up to the attic for the others to eat. 

"Herbert," Charlotte came up behind her boyfriend who was looking at a computer screen in confusion; she rested a hand on his back. "Here, eat this. Knowing you, you probably haven't eaten anything yet today." 

"I'm not a physicist, I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing," Herbert turned around towards her, seeing the bowl she was handing him. "Oh, thank you, my dear." Herbert kissed Charlotte's cheek.

"It's okay, I think the actual physicist is the only one here who knows how to get that machine working again," Charlotte laughed the pointed over towards Katherine. "Poor Dr. McMichaels must have given up and just gone to sleep." This made Herbert chuckled as he began to spoon his dinner into his mouth. "I think your brother has a keen eye for her as well." 

Herbert noticed Crawford standing in place, staring at Katherine as she slept. Bubba walked up behind him, startling the skittish man. Charlotte decided to let Herbert eat as she investigated the situation.

"Pretty, isn't she?" Bubba asked with a smirk.

"She is beautiful," Crawford admired. 

Charlotte couldn't help but stare herself. It may have just been her grief-stricken heart, but she noticed a similarity between Meg Halsey and Katherine. She smiled, hoping maybe she could find a friend in this new Meg look-a-like.

"So how's it going, doc? Need some help?" Bubba turned and walked over towards Herbert, noticing him continuing to shovel his food into his mouth as he stared at his screen, puzzled. Charlotte stayed next to Crawford.

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