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(A/N: 18+ - minors, read at your own risk)

[9 months previous...]

Dan unlocked the front door to his and Herbert's house. He watched as Herbert stumbled into the house, uncharacteristic of him, and with silly smile on his face. Dan, Charlotte, and Meg all stared in amusement. Never had they ever seen the mysterious scientist get so hammered after one drink.

"As much as I would love to help you out, Danny," Meg smiled. "I really have to get going home."

"Why don't you just spend the night here?" Dan put his arm around his fiancé's waist, pulling her close to him.

"You know how my Daddy is, Dan," Meg looked up at him with a knowing look. Dan sighed, nodding his head in defeat.

"Charlotte, I'm going to take Meg home," Dan started. "Would you like a ride home at all?" Charlotte turned to Dan, and then at Herbert as she watched him bump into the walls as he walked down the hall to his room. She sighed, knowing Herbert probably shouldn't be left alone.

"Actually, you can go on ahead, I'll stay here with Herbert," Charlotte smiled at Dan. Dan scrunched his eyebrows, slightly confused. "Apparently one drink was too much for him, I'll stay here and watch over him. You know, make sure he doesn't hurt himself or vomit on the floor."

"Well, that's very kind of you," Dan chuckled. "You are more than welcome to stay on the couch for the night, it you'd like. There are some spare blankets in the closet in the hallway. Thanks again." He opened the door again, letting Meg leave first, before following after to drive her home. 

Charlotte made sure to lock up before taking care of Herbert. She walked into the kitchen, looking through cabinets for a glass. After finding one, she filled it up with water from the sink, knowing it would be good for Herbert to drink to feel better. She walked down the hallway, seeing the only door with light beaming out from underneath it, and assumed it was Herbert's.

"Herbert?" Charlotte knocked on the door, not hearing a response. "I have a glass of water here for you." She saw the handle giggle before turning and the door opened. Herbert poked his head out - his eyes partially opened - scrunching his eyebrows when he saw Charlotte at his door.

"What are you doing here?" Herbert asked.

"Dan left to take Meg home," Charlotte stated.

"Why didn't you leave with him?" Herbert opened the door more ever so slightly.

"Well, I didn't take you for being an extreme light weight," Charlotte giggled. "So I thought I'd just crash on the couch for the night and look after you while Dan isn't home."

"As much as I appreciate your thoughtfulness," Herbert fully opened the door, exposing how much he was swaying back and forth. "I am not a child who needs to looked after for the night." Charlotte cocked an eyebrow and turned to leave him alone.

"Fine then, if that's how you feel, I might as well just walk ho-" Charlotte couldn't even finish her sentence before being interrupted.

"Wait-!" Herbert tripped over his own feet as he tried to chase after Charlotte and fell face first into the floor.

"Oh my god, are you alright?" Charlotte gasped as she turned and saw Herbert on the floor. Herbert groaned in pain. He very wobbly lifted himself onto his knees, rubbing his nose and his forehead. His glasses fell off of his face, thankfully not broken. "Oh jeez, Herbert." Charlotte laughed. "Here," Charlotte helped put his glasses on him. Once he could see again, he stared at her. 

Herbert's dark brown eyes almost sparkling as he gazed at her. Her green blouse fit her so nicely, her orangey-brown hair fell so gracefully off her shoulders, and her emerald-green eyes were as bright as his reagent. It may have been the booze talking, but something in him wanted her to stay with him. 

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