It's A Date

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(One month later)

POV - Whitley

     I watched from my bed as Neon walked out of the bathroom with her night clothes on. I looked to my left and I saw Flynt passed out with his shades pushed up his face in a cattywampus manner. Neon walked over to him and pulled his shades off his face before putting them on the small bedside table.

"He wanted to stay up to tell you good night," I told her.

"Makes sense, he treasures these shades far too much to just fall asleep in them," she said before slipping into her own bed.

I looked past Neon and Flynt to see Ilia's empty bed. She was in Vale right now gathering information on the White Fang branch there. She had been for the past week as we were on break. Every night Ilia would call us and has recently started talking about this guy she's seeing. It has been hard to train as a team without her but we're figuring it out.

"Hey Whitley." Neon said, grabbing my attention.

"Yeah?" I replied.

"Would you like to grab something to eat Saturday afternoon?"

"I don't see why not," I answered. "The three of us, yeah?"

"No - I mean - uhm... how do I put it." She tried to string together a sentence.

"What do you mean 'how do I put it'?" I asked.

"She wants to go on a date with you." the muffled voice of Flynt interrupted.

"FLYNT!" Neon yelled.

"What? You weren't going to really ask so I did it for you." he said defensively.

"But I can ask Whitley out on a date by myself!" she protested.

"So you want to go on a date with me. Is that what you're trying to say?" I asked, attempting to clarify what I had heard.

"Yes." Neon deflated, her shoulders dipping slightly.

"Sure." I said.

It could be fun, Neon being as cute as she is just adds to the fun.

"Really? You won't care that I'm-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there, you're a fun girl, and have shown more than once that you can be serious too, so why not." I interrupted.

"I was gonna say not rich but I'll take what you said." she said, sounding somewhat upset.

Flynt pulled his head away from his pillow and looked at Neon. "I really thought you were gonna say something about being a faunus." he added before promptly planting his face back in the pillow.

"I only have one question, do you want me to spend money on it, or would you like to do something simple like a walk and some food?" I asked.

"You know what, I want to see what you think is simple." Neon answered.

"This is gonna be fun." I smiled at her. "Wait, when did you wake up?" I asked Flynt, finally realizing that he had woken up.

"Right after Neon took off my shades." he answered, his voice still muffled by the pillow.

"That light of a sleeper, huh." I said. 

Flynt by far slept harder than anyone I'd ever met. It was honestly impressive to me how anyone could sleep the way he does, but Flynt likes to keep his secrets.

"Well, anyways, good night you two." I said as I got comfortable beneath the covers.

"Night." Flynt said.

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