Subaru's Bio

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Name: Natsuki Subaru
Age: 17
Race: Viltrumite



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Powers and Abilities:Viltrumite Physiology: Viltrumites are a race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics

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Powers and Abilities:
Viltrumite Physiology: Viltrumites are a race of highly advanced beings with extremely potent and developed genetics. Some time ago, they started a civil war among their own people to cull weakness from their population. While this greatly diminished their numbers it also meant that the remaining Viltrumites were the strongest of their people. The incredible adaptability of their genome and strength of their genetics means that they can breed with a wide variety of races. If the race they couple with is compatible enough, the Viltrumite genes will start taking over the genome of the hybrid offspring while giving them access to Viltrumite abilities. While Viltrumite genes will overshadow the non-Viltrumite portions of their hybrid children if the species they mated with was compatible enough, greater compatibility means the hybrid will become closer to a full-blooded Viltrumite. Humans for example are so close to Viltrumites genetically that a Human/Viltrumite hybrid is genetically almost the same as a full-blooded Viltrumite and with time will become just as powerful.

Superhuman Strength: Viltrumites have incredible superhuman strength that make them one of the most powerful species and are almost impossible to defeat. The average Viltrumite has enough strength to lift billions of tons. The upper limit is unknown as some Viltrumites are stronger than others.

Superhuman Durability: Viltrumites are nigh-invulnerable and are able to withstand colossal amounts of force and or power that could greatly harm or even kill other beings.

Conversion Immunity: Viltrumites are unaffected by Sequids.

Superhuman Speed: Viltrumites can break the sound barrier. We have seen Omni-Man do it before. He took out those Aliens in seconds.

Superhuman Stamina: Viltrumites are able to fight and move for extended periods of time without collapsing from exhaustion.

Superhuman Senses: Nolan was able to overhear a conversation between Debbie Grayson and Art Rosenbaum from outside a building and sense an invisible soldier. During his morning outing in a city, Mark was able to hear an ambulance from high in the sky.

Enhanced Lung Capacity: Viltrumites have a lung capacity to hold their breath for weeks at a time.
Regenerative Healing Factor: Viltrumites have an enhanced healing factor, allowing them to quickly recover from injuries.

Longevity: According to Nolan, the older Viltrumites get, the slower they age. This allows them to have an incredibly long lifespan, able to live for thousands of years.

Flight: Viltrumites are able to freely move through physical space. Nolan said that flying is like using a muscle. This ability doesn't seem to be influenced by the gravity of planets as Nolan and Mark were able to fly in extraterrestrial planets and space.

Dominant Genetics: According to Nolan, Viltrumite DNA is so pure that Mark, a half-Viltrumite half-human hybrid, is nearly a full-blooded Viltrumite.

Reactive Adaptation: Viltrumites adapt constantly and get stronger when either pushed to the brink of death and heal or fight someone on their level. Viltrumites adapt very quickly whether it be magical or energy based attacks or learning their opponents movements and attack sequence.


Extreme Force: While Viltrumites are among some of the strongest in the universe, they aren't completely unstoppable. Viltrumites can be harmed by beings of similar or greater strength.

Psychological Instability/Disorders: Viltrumites as a culture are extremely stunted emotionally and spiritually. They focus only on the pragmatic and logical through a very Darwinistic mindset. This in turn has given them almost a cult like mentality toward their people, world and the way of the Viltrumite. However, Nolan repeatedly hints at this being primarily the result of having to live for so long and see so many others and civilizations fall into ruin that the weight of being practically immortal is in fact a serious burden psychologically. Their cold and callous nature seems to be a coping mechanism and the active effort to shun emotions and personal connection being a way to protect themselves from emotional pain and trauma. Tellingly, it's when Nolan and Kenichi starts to live on earth among people so similar to their own but also exhibiting a full range of emotions along with finding a woman and having a child that truly love them and value them is what brings about Nolan and Kenichi changing from the cold, indifferent soldiers they were and into a genuine father and husband. Though Kenichi didn't kill the guardians and instead told his wife the truth and waited to tell Subaru until he was ready, unfortunately it was after he nearly died when fighting Nolan. When Nolan starts to actively attack earth he shows many hints of uneasiness and sadness. It isn't until he fights his son Mark and how Mark tells him that he isn't alone and that they would still have each other even 500 years after Mark's mother died and their friends were gone that something inside Nolan broke. For the first time in centuries Nolan understood how it felt to be genuinely loved and cared about and the weight of what he had just thrown away for the sake of an empire that neither loved nor cared about him filled him with deep agony and remorse choosing instead to fly away and abandon his mission than destroy more of what he cherished for his cold and callous people.

Excessively High Frequency: The detrimental effects of high-frequency underwater noise on Mark have been demonstrated through empirical evidence obtained from underwater combat scenarios.

And that's Subaru's Bio. For his main love interest in this one, it's going to be Rem. If you guys want other girls to be apart of his love interest then let me know right here.

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