chapter number 1| Beginning

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Happiness is not something ready-made; It comes from your own actions.

- Dalai Lama

The two ladies on their 20s or may be 30s stood side to side, carrying a baby .

The Hazel nut lady doesn't seems  to realized who's besides her.

"Oh! Carla!! " said the lady besides her.

Carla; hearing her name turn her face, and her face brighten of the sight of her best friend.

"Oh! Hermine!! " squeals the brown head.

Hermine look at Carla shoulder so does Carla looks at her.

Both raises their eye brow.

"He/She must be your son/daughter? " both said in together.

Both giggle and pat each other on shoulder.

"Yeah.. She's my second daughter... Hishimya" Hermine said eyeing her cute baby, whose sleeping soundlessly.

"She's so beautiful" said Carla.

"Why her hair are white? " hesitate Carla looking at Hermine black eyes.

Hermine smiled, "I, myself don't know.. I guess she got some powers? " joked Hermine.

"Let's stop it, whether it's white or not, she's unique after all! " said Carla, giving Hermine a warming smile.
Hermine returns the smile, "And him? "

"Oh! He's Eren.. Same age as her I guess" said Carla looking at her son who was now trying to eat her hair.

"He's so cute!! " squeal Hermine looking at Eren big green eyes.

Then suddenly both look at each other. "They will be so great pairs together!! " both said together and again laugh it out.

Then both look in front and start seeing through the crowd, looking at the upcoming scout members.

The brown haired baby boy look besides him and saw a white haired baby girl.

Who seems to be waking up from her pretty slumber.

Both look at each other, Hishimya title her head so does Eren.

Both ladies notice them and smile, Nudging  each other softly, whispering, "definitely the cute pair"


The birds were chippering their melodious tunes, their songs filling the air with joy. The sun, like a gentle lover, bestowed its warm kisses upon everyone's cheeks and head, casting a golden glow upon the world.

In the midst of this enchanting atmosphere, a young 7-year-old girl and her beloved sister Elle embarked on a training session that was nothing short of epic. They pushed themselves to their limits, pouring their hearts and souls into every move, determined to conquer any challenge that came their way.

It was a sight to behold, a testament to their unwavering dedication and the unbreakable bond they shared.

"Haa.. Haa.. " breathes the young girl.

"Darling get on your feets, and let's get ready if you want to go with me to scout!! " said the elder sister, she smiles as she saw her young sister stood up and run inside the house they lived in.

"Energetic as ever huh? " Elle shook her head and follow her, rushing inside after hearing her sister shouting for her favorite little cap.


The elder sister holds the hands of her 7  years old sister, and smiled warmly.

'Cute as ever' thought the young lady.

"Big sister!! " said The kid.

"Yes my little Hishimya? " asks the elder sister bending down to her sister level.

"Will Levi aniki be there? " title the white haired girl , it took seconds to get the talk inside Elle brain as she chuckles, standing up she start walking.

"Of course he will be.. "


"LEVI!! " shouts the white haired kid.

Levi hearing his name, stood up from his seat and ready to hide inside his room not wanting to let the kid know him being here.

Levi sit on the seat and sigh, "hey!! "Levi almost was about to scream, he turn his head and seeing white haired girl waving her hand.

" what a bra-"

"Keep your mouth quiet  Levi.. She is a kid" Levi look at the voice owner and suffocate to see Elle with a thick mark on her face , clearly showing she is angry.

Levi look down and see Hishimya adjusting on his lap, he look at the front for help as his squad only look at him and ignoring his glare smile at the girl cute face.

"Marry me already Hishi-san~" said Patra.

"Excuse me? She's a kid and she is already engaged to someone I know" Elle smirk remember what her mother told her.

'If mom was a live, she would have make Hishimya marry Eren' Elle chuckle at her own thought.

"I told you to check up on her, she's going crazy" said Levi looking at Erwin.

"When did Hishimya came? " Erwin said eyeing the sleeping girl on Levi's lap.

"20 minutes ago" said Eld.

"And Ellestina.. You know you shouldn't bring Her here, it's not safe for her.. Knowing how are the people here" said Erwin looking at Elle.

"Sure sir.. " said Elle.



That's all for today guys, actually my life is on thread because my father told me to sleep and I'm writing a chapter even though tomorrow is my mid term english paper..

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