Chapter 14 .•Where's the Bathroom?•.

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I sat wondering what I should wear to this so called party and wondering why someone like me was put on this earth.

All my clothes are so lame I thought, and that's when I found it. The perfect blouse, high waisted shorts and flip flops

I walked over to Tate's house not completely sure I wanted to go to this party, but I'm just glad he has a car because I definitely don't feel comfortable walking around in this outfit.

I just feel so slutty but I guess the girls at our school would consider it casual and it is a party "dress to have fun!" (you know what I mean)

I walked up to his door and before I was two knocks in he swung the door open and had the hugest smile on his face as Alli stood behind him they looked at each other and then back at me slowly and bursted into screams of joy.

"Oh my god you look great!" They both said in unison.

"Tonight is gonna be so fun oooh come on let's go!" Alli said grabbing my arm and pulling me to Tate's range rover. I had to admit we did live very close, me and Tate but his house was a lot bigger than mine and his car was a lot more expensive than my mom's but that was the joy of having rich friends, it was like I had a rich family outside of my own.

As we approached closer and closer to the party, I was contemplating how I should do things, even though it never has felt like I was because Alli and Tate are my best friends I don't want to third wheel and hang around them the whole time because they're a couple they should have alone time, but I didn't want to lose my way and do something stupid if I didn't have a guide.

And then I remembered, Jed would be there and he is my boyfriend so of course he would be willing to be at my side.

We pulled up in the driveway of his mansion and I was the last to step out of the car.

My eye lingered on the huge house and the muffled music escaping from inside and the silhouettes laughing and holding red party cups I saw through the window and I remembered I would be one of them next.

I felt sick as soon as I I stepped in, not only couldn't I find Alli or Tate but Jed was no where to be seen either.

I panicked as I realized I was standing alone in a crowded sea of drunk teenagers.

I ran back outside and sat on the front porch as I felt the tears well up in my eyes, there was no one in there for me, no one who knew I couldn't be around that many people at once alone without freaking out.

And then the music got quieter as I heard someone say "Hey was that Fiona I saw who just left?" and soon enough there were footsteps coming my way.

I quickly wiped the tears from under my eyes and plastering a smile on my face when a tall blonde girl opened the door. "Hey Fiona you okay?" The girl asked seemingly concerned.

"Yeah I'm fine I just needed some air um what's your name again sorry I don't think we've met?" I asked turning towards her.

"Oh right I'm Juliet, Jed talks about you a lot that's how I know of you." She said smiling.

"Oh you're friends with Jed? I asked.

"Well I wouldn't say friends but we know each other pretty well, uh you should come inside I know you don't know a lot of the people there but we were about to play truth or dare?" She asked gesturing me inside.

I gave her a quick nod and walked inside. She said she was going to the bathroom and would be back so I sat in the circle of people.

After a few sexual dares some boy with brown curly hair dared me to drink ten bottles of water. I didn't know what kind of a dare that was but a dare is a dare so I did it.

And within five minutes I had to pee. I searched for the bathroom and remembered the door Juliet went into when she said she had to go. As soon as I walked in I was in shock.

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