.+*Chapter Thirteen*+.

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"Thank you. . .for being there"

"You mean so much to me Blitzø. . ."


"Huh?" Erica said as she stepped a little bit closer to him, who now had his eyes shut. "I said NO!" Blitzø said a lot louder and dropping the gun in the process. "I am sick and tired of your bullshit Erica!" Blitzø said, while Erica hurried to catch the rifle, whilst everyone, including Erica, stared at him with disbelief. "No, what do you mean No! We made a dea-" "No I didn't you dirty bitch, we didn't shake hands on it." Blitzø said while also cutting Erica off on her statement.

Then, Blitzø went over to the stage and grabbed the microphone. Before he got off though, be took out the letter that he'd spent hours on, making sure his dyslexia didn't get in the way of the letter. He reread it, and then tearing it into two. "Wish myself luck. ." He said to himself before going back.

"Yes, sadly everything this bitch right here said was true. I made a "Deal" with her to kill the prince for who knows how much money. It's true that me getting to know Stolas and becoming his best friend was just a scheme to kill him on this very night." Stolas tilted his head down in even more shame. He should've had known that this wasn't a real friendship; it was only a scheme to end his- " But!"

Stolas perked his head up.

"As you can tell, that is not happening tonight. You see, over the past five months, Stolas had. .grown onto me. I've never felt that ever, an I mean EVER in my life. Not even my family, besides Fizz, have I ever felt that I could have someone to grow on me or the opposite. He has grown on me from his smile, heart shape face, and his big personality that drawn me to him when we were kids. This may had been an assassination attempt on one of the most powerful people of the Ars Goetia in all of Hell, but now. . I want him to be right by my side because," Blitzø paused to look down at Stolas. ". .because I love him."

From what Blitzø could hear after he dropped the microphone, was from all the guest gasps of shock that filled the entire room. However, the people who was the most shock was Erica and Stolas. Erica's face was filled with disgust from not only Blitzø saying no for the hit, but also confessing his stupid love for the prince. Stolas on the other hand, was partly shocked by the reveal, but also happy that Blitzø had the same feelings that Stolas had for him. This would have been the best day ever. . If he didn't almost die by said lover.

So with the little energy he had, Stolas magically picked up Blitzø so he can be closer to him. Blitzø wanted to regret it, but now wasn't the right time. Once he was close enough, Stolas grabbed Blitzø and pulled him into a hug.

"Stolas! Too Tight!" Blitzø said though the hug, to which Stolas let go of the embrace. "Sorry!" He said as Blitzø sat a little more comfortable in Stolas's lap. "But for real though. .Did you really mean what you said." "Every word Stolas. I will always love you, doesn't matter if we are worlds or galaxies apart." Blitzø said as he looked into Stolas's big red eyes. "Okay then, because I love you too." He said in a soft voice.

Meanwhile Erica, who had recovered from her shock, checked The time on the huge clock. 11:59. With skilled grace, she picked up the gun and pointed it straight at the couple. "Since I can't have someone else do it, then I guess Ill have to do it myself." She aligned the gun and waited.

Three. .

Two. .

One. .

Then. . .BANG

Only a few things were heard in those couple of seconds. That being the crowd screaming, Erica's evil and menacing laugh, and Blitzø shoving Stolas out of the way to take the shot. Once all the commotion ended, Stolas opened his eyes, thinking that he entered double Hell. So when he saw that he was still at the Gala, he started to worry.

A Stolitz Storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن