.+*Chapter Thirteen*+.

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.+°The Gala: Part Four°+.

Both Blitzø and Stolas were caught completely off guard, an so they tumbled to the ground when they heard the clicking of a gun right behind them.

"Hello my idiot lovebirds."

The two of them slowly turned around to see Erica pointing a very special angelic gun right at Stolas, who's face went from happiness to only show fear and shock. Blitzø minicked Stolas's expression, with the extra horror that he was right next to Stolas. "E-Erica! What in living hell are you doing!?" Stolas exclaimed as he tried to move back, but his body was in to shock to respond. "Oh I was just putting I away- What do you think I'm doing!"

"What's going on!" Ella said as she carried Drunk Fizz over to where all the commotion was going on. But the minute the gun went into their direction, she said, "Umm. . . Nevermind." and backed away. Once back enough, she returned to the love pair in question.

"Now you Stolas," She pointed the gun at him. "You are gonna die once Blitzø," She then pointed it at him, "Gets up and finishes the job that we agreed to." Stolas turned around to look at Blitzø, who had a look of panic on his face. "What is she talking about Blitzø? Are y'all two playing a fucking ass joke on me, because it's sure as hell working!" Stolas said as he looked at the two of them.

"Oh Stolas baby. ." She said as she came closer to Stolas. "This is No Joke! For the past five months, me and Blitzø have been planning for you demise. First, your Blitzy boo had got to know you after SOOOO long!" Blitzø could only keep his head down as Stolas just stared at him. Half from shock and the other from disbelief. "Second, he got to fuck you from a misunderstanding plotted by me. And there's step three, make Blitzø the honorary guest for the night to kill you right now!" Erica said as she kept on pointing the gun at Stolas.

"But. .Why? Why go all this way to kill someone?" Ella said through the crowd, to which got an immediate response by Erica. "Why? You know why? Because he took EVERYTHING from me!" "How?" Stolas question as he shoved himself backer away from the gun.

"From the minute I was born, I was destined to be the Princess of the Ars Goetia! It was all destined to me, with everything prepared. . .until you showed up. Suddenly, everyone wanted you to be the next in line because, 'The Prince of the Ars Goetia' Sounded wayyy better than a princess. And so they disthrown me to be a wife for a lord, which I HATED with my life. But now. ." Erica moved the gun closer to Stolas's head. "When my little imp assassin's kills you, I'll shall not only have my rightful title, but also take over all of Hell!" She gave a sickening laugh, before turning around to look at Blitzø, who was still in the floor.

"Blitzø, get your ass of the floor or else you'll get shot instead!" Blitzø lifted his head to look at Stolas, who only gave a look of betrayl on his face. And who could blame him! Blitzø was about to be the soul murder of not only Stolas, but of all of Hell. Blitzø had never felt this guilty before, to see all this emotion on his- "Blitzø. ." Erica said a little quieter, but more menacing, and with reluctantly, Blitzø finally got up.

"About fucking time!" Before he knew it, Erica showed the special angelic gun into his hands. "You can do the honors Blitzø, Since you helped me on my wicked scheme!" Blitzø sadly accepted the gun and pointed it at Stolas, with his face now only shock. "Please. . Blitzø. ." Stolas only mumbled and he backed to a small corner.

That got Blitzø to think about everything from the beginning to now.

"Ive missed you Blitzø"

"Thanks for the picnic Blitzy, it was a lovely time"

"That was really nice and kind of you to do"

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