.+*Chapter One*+.

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The sound of the alarm on the bedside table woked a very tired Blitzø. He groaned, and threw the alarm at the wall to stop it. "What was that for Blitzø?!" Loona yelled from the kitchen.

He wanted to go back to sleep, but he knew that the paperwork wasn't going to do it itself. So, he got up and went to his basket of clothes. He grabbed his usual entire, and took a shower. Once he was ready, he yelled, "Loonie come on!" as he was heading out the door.

The drive to I.M.P was a boring one, just like every day before that. The only bright to his morning was getting iced coffee and posting it on sinstagram. The minute Blitzø and Loona went inside the building, Millie and Moxxie were there to greet them.

"Good morning, Sir. How wa-" but before he could finish his sentence, Blitzø said, "Ok gang, I'll be in my office doing paperwork, the more I get done the better!" and slammed the door to his office. Once in there, blitzø did some work but spend most of his time on is phone.

But, every once in a while, he just sit there and cry in a ball in the corner of his office. This was one of those days. So for a little bit, he cried, but not loud so no one could hear. Just then, he got a text message. It was from Fizzarolli. He was one of not the only person that didn't leave him m when he fucked up. Even after Fizz's arms and legs were amputated because of him, Fizz said it was alright and really liked his new limbs.

He opened the text app to see what Fizzarolli sent.


𝑭𝒊𝒛𝒛: Hey Blitzø, want to get something to eat real quick?


Blitzø smiled. He was kind of hungry after all that crying, and being in the office was getting boring, so he responded.


𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛: Sure, where do you want to meet.

𝑭𝒊𝒛𝒛: Meet me at Hell of a box in five minutes.

𝑩𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒛: Sure thing, see you soon.

𝑭𝒊𝒛𝒛: Ok byeeee!


Blitzø hurried up and clean stained tears on his face. When he got all that situated, he told Moxxie was in charge and called him fat, then sprinted out the door.

It took a minute, but he finally made it to the fast food place, and sat down waiting for Fizz. When Fizz finally came inside and sat down with blitzø, he had already ordered for them both.

"Before you ask, I ordered your favorite already, so don't be sad that you didn't order." Blitzø said looking at Fizzarolli. "Thanks Blitzø." Fizz said as he sat down. "So, it's been a minute since we gotten lunch, how's your life." Fizz asked. Blitzø didn't know how to answer that. He could had just said that life was great and there was absolutely nothing wrong in the current state he was in.

But, he would be lying to the T if he said that.

Blitzø felt horrible almost everyday, feeling more miserable every hour. Not only that, but he was crying before he even came here. So of course he wasn't fine. But still wanting to give his friend an answer, he said, "I've been fine for the most part. Got my business running, my daughter at my side, and two most wonderful employees!

Fizzarolli eyed him strangely, giving him the "I don't believe you, but I'm going to trust your word" look. Before he could ask anything, the waiter bring them their room 'Saved by the bell' Blitzø thought.

While eating, Fizzarolli started to talk again. " Well, I been doing good for myself also. Me and Ozzie have a good relationship and were fuck-buddies now! Also, I'm working at Ozzie's as a host." "That's good Fizz, but aren't you working for mammon though?" Blitzø said.

"I am! But, I'm being lend to Ozzie for a bit until Mammon needs me again!" Fizz yelled a little bit. But toned down so he wouldn't cause a scene. Then, he said, "Blitzø look, I'm just happy to see you again. Sorry for yelling at you. Thank you for coming for lunch with me again." "No problem, I was getting bored at the office anyway." Blitzø said.

Once they were done eating, Blitzø went back to the office. When he got in the building, he got a call from a unknown number. "Hold on gang, I'm getting a call." He told the rest of the group before he went into his office.

Blitzø then picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Immediate Murder Professionals or I.M.P, who do you want us to kill." He said.

"Hello, I have an important person you need to kill." the person said. They sounded like a female.

"Ok, who do you want us to kill?"

"First, this is a one man job. Second, have you heard of a guy named...Prince Stolas...''


Cliffhangers, one of my favorite things to do. I'm going now see you soon.

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