.+* Headcanons/Updates*+.

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Before I start this story, I want to make some headcanons so the story can be clear as possible.

1. Stolas and Blitzø will still meets as kids. I don't think this story will make sense if they didn't.

2. I.M.P does still exist, but they kill demons instead of humans. It wouldn't make sense in they did the once a month exchange.

3. Blitzø is friends with Fizzarolli, because I want at least someone in his past to still be close to Blitzø, but will still have the drama with the rest of his family.

That's it. Everything else will still follow canon and I'm excited for this story. I hope that you will love this story as well. That's all for now. I will see you soon.


While Im writting Chapter Three right now, I wanted to make some more headcanons, because three wasn't enough.

4. Blitzo and Stolas will meet in a simular way to how it was in S2 EP1, but not to simular or identical.

5.Blitzo can purr, don't ask why, he just can.

6. Stolas likes rainbows

Thats all for now, bye!!

Another Update Time!!!!

I promise you that I'm almost done Chapter Four, but like the last chapter, I need some more head canons to sail the story. Let's go!!

7. Blitzø has nightmares about a lot of things in his life.(You will see what I mean in Chapter Four)

8. At this moment in the story, Stella and Octavia doesn't know that Stolas is seeing Blitzø yet. They will find out... Eventually.

9. This is a major change but... Blitzø can write normally... Sometimes. In my canon, Blitzø has dyslexia and can't really write good. But sometimes, when he tries hard enough, he could pull it off.

10. Stolas LOVES to cross dress A LOT of the time. But, he can't really show it because his wife would make fun of him. And why does he do it...... Come on, you know why.

That will be all for know. If you excuse me, I need to finish Chapter Four and start on Chapter Five. Bye!!!!!


I'm sorry for the lack of update, I've been at school and its been very time consuming for me. Chapter four will come out today or tomorrow. That's all for now Byee


A couple of updates for this story. I was going to say some of this in Chpt 5, but it's taking longer than expected. It should be out by Friday though. But, back to the update!

Firstly, I have planned out the whole story from now to the end. I'm not gonna go into detail, the less you know the better, but this story should be done by Mid-November to December. That's all I'm gonna say for now at least.

Secondly, Im also planning my next story on here. I'll talk more about it when it's gets closer to release, but it won't be out for a while. I can't wait got everyone to see and read it to the fullest.

Thirdly, Thank you SOOOOO much for all the reads, votes, and followers. You guys mean the world to me and the work I put behind it. Its astonishing to me that I got all this attention in TWO MONTHS! This means so much to me som much. So, thank you.

Alrighty, that's all the updates I got to say for now. I'll say some more stuff when Chpt 5 comes out on Friday. Until then, I'll see you soon and beg you goodnight.

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