.+*Chapter Ten*+.

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(A/N Hey! Just popping in to say Thank You for everyone that either been here from the beginning or just came recently to start reading this. Y'all mean the fucking world to me, and all I can say is thank you.)

.+°The Gala: Part One°+.

After heating the popcorn had finished heating up on the stove, Blitzø made his way back onto the couch, where Stolas was hurrying to find a movie to watch. "The popcorn ready?" Stolas said after choosing the movie, which was about horses. "It just finished. Also, thanks for letting me stay for the night again." He said as he sat the popcorn and his phone down.

Blitzø had called Stolas because he was all alone in his apartment, with Loona going to a party and M&M having a date in the human world. He would had gone with them, but they took the Grimoure with them. The second Stolas had found out, he setted up a movie night for the two of them and insisted that Blitzø stayed over.

Blitzø couldn't resist, mostly because he didn't want to be all alone and cry; that's what he did most of the time.

So, here he was now, popcorn in hand as Stolas found the perfect horse movie to watch. "No problem Blitzø. I just couldn't stand you being all alone." Stolas said as he went back to the couch and sat down.

The movie night started simple and fair enough, with Blitzø fanboying and in awe over the horses, while Stolas was enjoying the movie. However, the two of them started to do little things, like flirting with each other during the movie, or ever so slightly scooting closer to one another. By the middle of the movie, they were practically cuddling with each other, however, neither would admit it.

By the time the credits rolled, Blitzø and Stolas were dozing off, until the ringtone of Blitzø's phone went off and woked them up like a horn. Once they realized where the hell the sound was coming from, Blitzø said, "Be right back then Stolas." Then, he got up and went to the nearest closet. The minute he saw the number, he froze. "Person Who Hangs Up Rudely!?" Showed on his screen. It was the number that he had come to HATE so much, he wanted to throw his phone at the wall. He refused, and instead picked up the phone.

"Its time for the last part of my plan!" the Female said the minute Blitzø picked up the phone. "When is it?" "The Gala will be next week, and you are invited as a honorary guest, so you better be there!" She said in a important manner tone of voice. The voice that Blitzø hated. "So quick question, what if I DIDN'T want to kill him, and what if I DON'T want to do the job anymore."

It was dead silent on the other hand, before she said, "If that be the case, I'll hunt you, your daughter, employees, friends and family down, and I know that we both don't want that, Blitzo." Then, the phone hanged up.

Blitzø was clearly shaken up by the threat, because when he came back to the living room, where Stolas was drinking a glass of water, his hands and legs were still shaking. "Blitzø, are you alright?" "Yeah, just a little bit shaken up." Blitzø said as he calmed down. Then, Blitzø was smurgged into a hug, which he didn't complain.

After a couple of minutes, Stolas said, "Do you mind if I give you something?" Blitzø looked up at him with a confused look, but just shooked his head. Then, with a swift movement, a black and white box appeared in his hand. It looked standard enough box, with the only difference being a note on top. He simply took the note off and putted into his pocket, wanting to read it later. Then, he opened the box.

When Blitzø took a glimpse at it, he saw that it was a pendant. "Stols, why in hell would you give me a-" Blitzø paused once he took a full look. It was a horse pendant that looked EXACTLY like him. It even had his mother's choker on!

"Wow Stolas this...looks beautiful." Blitzø said in a silent and tender voice, one that Stolas had never heard before. It was like every time that a new part of Blitzø was showed to him, it was a new part that he had grown to loved. "Oh, thanks, I thought you would like it." "Well, your right about that, it looks gorgeous!" Blitzø exclaimed to Stolas, and then pulled him into another hug. Stolas blushed at first, before returning the embrace the red being had gaven him..

After a few minutes, Blitzø said, "I'm goin to lay down, you coming?" Stolas couldn't help but smile as he got up from the couch.


The second they entered Stolas's room, Blitzø practically jumped onto his bed, mostly because how comfy it was the last time he got to sleep in it. "I can see that you really enjoyed being on my bed last time you slept in it." "It's just so comfy to lay in!" A soft chuckle came out of Stolas, before getting out his robe and quickly changing into it.

Blitzø tried to not look at the naked Stolas again, mostly because it would be very weird and he didn't want a repeat of the LAST TIME he did that. However, he still got a couple of glanced, which made him blush a little. Once Stolas was done, he then sat down on the bed trying to get comfortable.

As he was started to slowly dozed off again, he then heard the calling of his name. "Stolas?" He then turned to face Blitzø, who was looking straight into his eyes. "Do you ever wished that we could have stayed friends? You know, when we first met as kids." Blitzø said shyly, and in the darkness, Stolas could still see the tiny hue of pink on his face. "I mean, we are still friends, so it wouldn't really matter." "I know, but that's different. We became actual friends 25 years later." Blitzø responded.

It stayed silent for a minute, Before Blitzø said, "Actually, I like how everything turned out, because if we stayed friends, all the bad shit that happened to us wouldn't happen." "And I wouldn't have seen that pretty face of yours." Stolas whispered quietly, but it didn't matter because Blitzø still heard him none the less anyway.

"I also wouldn't saw that sexy body of yours~" Blitzø responded seductively, which made Stolas blush a little. "Or those beautiful eyes." "Don't forgot your soft feathers." "What about those marvelous horns~" "And the handsome body of yours." The two kept at it, flirting with each other and trying to top every flirt to the last.

Eventually though, the both of them were practically inches away from each other, about ready to kiss, but the two of them got cold feet, and immediately faced the opposite of one another, trying to hide their flushed faces the best that they could.

"Good night Blitzy." Stolas said as a yawn escaped him before he dozed off. Blitzø was just about to do the exact same thing, but he felt something in his pocket. It was the pendant that Stolas had got him.

The horse was smiling right at him, and Blitzø couldn't help but feel all the butterflies flying around inside of him, and finally, he dozed off...


A/N Alright folks we have officially stepped out of the waters and now all shit goes loose! But seriously, we are officially in the big four chapters: The Gala! I've been hyping this ever since Chapter two, and I'm so excited to see how this plays. This shouldn't be called The Gala: Part One, since it isn't in the Gala itself. However, I wanted ONE last chapter with Stolitz fluff before all shit goes down. I hope you like it, and I hope to see you when chapter eleven comes out next week!

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