.+*Chapter Six*+.

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(A/N In case you haven't already read my latest update, my new schedule to post a chapter will be on Saturday during 12PM & 2PM PST in my time zone. I'll try to keep up with the schedule, but you know, I've got school and other things going on. Enough of me though, back to the chapter!

P.S. Sorry for the absence, I'm transfering my info onto my new phone and it got complicated. Its ok though, I promise though, I'm back, and I'll do my little time schedule every saturday, like today :) )

For the past few days, the only person Blitzø had his mind on was Stolas. On one hand, it had been a blast hanging out with Stolas for the past two weeks and spending time with him. But, on the other hand, he was hired to kill him at the end. He had to do the job sooner or later.

"Blitzø, are you good? You been staring at the wall for a good 10 minutes." Blitzø heard Millie say, to which cut of Blitzø's daydreaming. "Oh, hey Millie, yeah I'm alright. I was just think-" "It's was about Stolas, isn't it?" Millie said, cutted of Blitzø again. Then a second later, Blitzø began to blush.

"What No! It's not- well.... Umm.." "Sir, your stuttering. You always stutter whenever your nervous." Moxxie said, chiming into the conversation. "No I don't you fucking prick!" Blitzø exclaimed at Moxxie. "Calm down B, if you don't want to talk, we get it." Millie said to Blitzø, trying to calm him down.

When Blitzø calmed down, he said, "Look, I'm sorry, alright. I'm just worried, that's all." "He's worried about Stolas's well-being." The trio heard Loona say from the front desk. "Loona's right, why are you so worried about him?" Moxxie said to Blitzø. "That's none of your god damn business!" He said before he started to march his way to his office.

"Blitzø, were only trying to help! Yes you haven"t told us anything, but we know that your not ok!" Before Millie could even say a word, all three of them heard the slam of the office door. That told all three of them that Blitzø wasn't in the mood and if you try, he would probably kill you. So, the three decided to leave him alone for now.

Meanwhile in his office, Blitzø was busy trying to finish the "Paperwork". At least, that was what he told M&M and Loona. In reality, Blitz was on the floor, to busy looking at Stolas's Sinstagram to even care about work. So when Stolas called him out of the blue, the dude almost dropped his phone. When he caught it, he answered the phone. "Hey Blitzy, how are you?" Stolas said on the other line. "Hey Stolas, I'm doing fine. What are you calling for?" Blitzø said, trying to downplay it, but was really excited.

"Nothing much, I was just wondering that if...you wanted to go somewhere with me? You don't have to though-" Before Stolas could say more, Blitz cut him off. "I would love too! I mean, if you want at least." Blitzø said, to which he got an immediate response form Stolas. "Thats splendid! So, how about you come to the palace at 3:30?" "That's alright with me, see you then. "Alright Blitzø." Then, the two of them hanged up.

Both of them were excited and waiting patiently until 3:30, where they got to spend time together. They both didn't know why they were happy to see each other, but they didn't question it. Once it was 3:00,  Blitzø got out of his office and went to leave the building. But because of his bad luck, M&M walked back from the break room at the exact time that Blitzø was going to leave.

" Blitzø, where are you going so early?" Millie said to Blitzø, who was trying to find the best excuse in his mind to use. "I-um..I was..going to the gun store? Yes, I'm was going to the gun store!"  Blitzø said, trying to not sound like he was lying though his teeth. " Blitzø, are you sure? Moxxie is usually the one that does it." "Yeah Blitzø, its always me that goes." Moxxie and Millie said, very suspicious of what  Blitzø was saying. "Yup! I'm very sure! Moxx your in charge, and tell Loonie that she can take the car." Before the two of them could process anything, Blitzø headed out the door.

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