"The curse you ate." Satoru answered.

"Oh. Yeah, I think I can do that." Itadori says in realization.

Gojo starts stretching his arms and legs, physically preparing himself to have a battle with the curse, which would be fairly short.

"Then give us ten seconds." He said as he stretched his legs. "Once ten seconds are up, come back to us."

"But..." Itadori stuttered anxiously.

"Don't worry." Gojo gives a thumbs up. "I'm the strongest." He says confidently, winking at Yuji behind his eye mask. "Megumi, hold onto this." The white-haired man throws a paper bag at Megumi.

"What is it?" Fushiguro asked as he opened the paper bag and began to examine the contents.

"It's Kikufuku from Kikusuian." Gojo says to the ravenette, smiling. "It's Sendai's specialty, and it's super good. I recommend the zunda and cream flavor." His mouth waters at the thought of biting into the soft, chewy, and sweet texture of the kikufuku.

'This guy actually went and bought souvenirs? When people were out here dying?!'  Megumi screamed in his mind.

'That's our Gojo-sensei for you..' Mei thought as she laughed nervously.

"It's not a souvenir." Gojo clarified, wiggling his pointer finger in the air. It was like he could read his students' thoughts... "I'm going to eat it on the bullet train home."

Sukuna's tattoos were starting to reappear on Itadori's body, signaling that Sukuna was about to take possession of him. The two students weren't aware of this until they saw Sukuna jump up in the air, aiming his fist at the white-haired sorcerer.

"Behind you!" Megumi and Mei yelled as they watched Sukuna appear behind Gojo, while he just kept ranting on about his kikufuku.

"Kikufuku is not like other souvenirs.."Gojo spoke calmly as the curse delivered an attack from behind, creating an abrupt, strong gust of wind.

Megumi falls to his bottom as he stumbles back from the harsh winds. The area was now shrouded in smoke and dust from the debris, making it difficult to see. Kaminaga began to hyperventilate and her heart was beating very quickly as the seconds passed by; she couldn't help but worry for her teacher.

Is Gojo-sensei alright? Is he hurt? Injured? What if he's... no. He wouldn't die that easily, right? The only things that Kaminaga could hear were her own thoughts and the sound of her heart beating.

When the smoke finally began to clear, Mei sighed in relief, placing a hand on her chest as she steadied her breathing. Sukuna was facing towards Fushiguro on all fours, while Gojo sat on his back; he looked perfectly fine.

"And the whipped cream inside is simply exquisite.." Was he really still rambling about the kikufuku?

"Phew.. at least Gojo-sensei is alright... That really scared me." Mei whispered softly to herself, thinking that no one heard her, but her teacher definitely did.

Gojo turns his head around to face Mei, looking at her with a teasing grin on his face. "Aww.. my dear student was worried about me?~" He cooed, cupping a hand around his mouth so that his voice sounded louder. "That makes me really happy, Mei!"

Mei quickly lowers her head, hiding her blushing mess of a face in her hands. "Please don't say that, Gojo-sensei... That's so embarrassing." She mumbled bashfully.

"Aw, but Mei, you look so adorable when you're so shy! I can't help it..." Satoru pouted. Seeing Kaminaga look so timid only made Gojo want to tease her even more. 'Maybe another time,'  Sukuna disappears from underneath Gojo. 'I have to deal with him first.' 

She Shines Eternal (JJK x RaidenMei/Shogun! OC)Where stories live. Discover now