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"Under Jujutsu regulations, Itadori Yuji, I will exorcise you as a curse!"

A dark, mysterious energy started to swirl and form underneath Megumi as he balled his hands up into fists, bringing them close together. He was getting ready to summon another shikigami. Itadori puts his arms up in the air, trying to look as defenseless and vulnerable as possible.

"Wait, really, I'm just fine!" Itadori tries to reason with Fushiguro. "More importantly, you and I are both pretty beat up." The marks on Yuji's body began to fade away. "Let's get to a hospital."

Megumi clenches his fists tighter. 'I can't tell if the one speaking right now is Itadori or the cursed object...'  The ravenette thought while clamping his teeth together. 'Damn it! What should I do?' Fushiguro was conflicted. He looks back at Kaminaga for guidance, but she was so close to passing out that she couldn't come up with a response.

"What's the situation?" Gojo says suddenly as he appears behind Megumi, holding a paper bag filled with desserts. The energy pooling underneath Megumi instantly disappears.

"Gojo-sensei?! Why are you here?" Fushiguro exclaimed as he turned around to face his teacher.

The blindfolded man simply puts his hand up, slightly waving. "Hey!" he grinned. "I wasn't planning on coming, but man, you're roughed up." Gojo laughed. "I should show the second year."

Megumi's head was bleeding, and he had a lot of injuries all over his body, yet he continues to keep standing and fighting. The silver-haired sorcerer pulls out his phone and starts to take multiple pictures of Megumi at different angles, with the flash on. Megumi looks away, covering himself with his arm in embarrassment.

"Face this way." Gojo says as he takes one last photo of Megumi before putting his phone away. "Anyways, where's my darling student, Mei?" The older man inquired as he looked around, trying to look for any sign of the noirette, until he found her kneeling on the floor, going in and out of consciousness.

Her dark blue eyes were now dull and tired; her smooth and silky long hair was now unkept and messy; her stockings now had holes in them; and her uniform was battered up, just like Megumi's. Gojo walks towards Mei with a worried look on his face, though she couldn't see it because of his blindfold, and gets down on one knee next to her.

Kaminaga quickly tries to sit up when she notices her teacher kneeling next to her. "Gojo-sensei..! When did you get here?" She musters up a smile.

Gojo opens his mouth to speak, wanting to tell Mei something but decides against it. "I got here not too long ago," he says with a bored expression. "The higher-ups wouldn't shut up with a special-grade cursed object gone missing." He complained with a groan. Mei giggles faintly at his remark about the higher-ups. "So, I stopped by while doing some sight-seeing." Gojo looks at Megumi, and then at Mei. "So, did you find it?"

"Um..." Itadori hesitantly raises his hand. "Sorry, but I ate it."

"For real?"

"For real." Itadori and Fushiguro say in unison.

Gojo gets back up from the ground and starts making his way over to Yuji. He leans in towards Itadori's face, trying to get a closer look. Another laugh escapes from his lips.

"Damn, it really did combine with you." Gojo said while taking a step back. "That's hilarious." He places a hand on his hip. "Anything off with your body?" Gojo asked the pink-haired vessel.

Itadori shakes his head. "Not particularly."

"Can you swap out with Sukuna?"

"Sukuna?" Yuji questioned.

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