🌟✨Anansa's ''Star Of Freedom''⭐🌠

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Kirk and Bones are down on a Planet known as M-113 to deliver supplies and preform a routine examination of a archeologist named Robert Crater and his wife Nancy who is a old lover of Bones and Spock was now sitting in the Captain's Chair dealing ...

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Kirk and Bones are down on a Planet known as M-113 to deliver supplies and preform a routine examination of a archeologist named Robert Crater and his wife Nancy who is a old lover of Bones and Spock was now sitting in the Captain's Chair dealing with Uhura who was trying to have a "normal" conversation with him and Anansa was standing by the Turbolift listening to them banter back and forth Spock seemed rather annoyed and Uhura was being somewhat flirty "Miss Uhura your last subspace log contained a error in the Frequency Column"  Spock says "Mr. Spock sometimes I think if I hear that word "frequency" once more, I'll cry"  Uhura replies "cry?"  Spock asks Uhura softly chuckles then says "I was just just trying to start a conversation"  Spock replies "well, since it's illogical for a Communications Officer to resent the word "frequency" I have no answer"  Uhura says "no, you have a answer I'm a illogical woman, who's beginning to feel too much a part of that Communications Console"  she places her hands under her chin with her elbows laying on the arm of the Captain's Chair as she continues "why don't you tell me I'm an attractive young lady? or ask me if I've ever been in love? tell me how your planet Vulcan looks on a lazy evening when the moon is full"  Anansa replies with a smile in her tone as she walks over to them "that may be a bit too romantic for him and Vulcan doesn't have a moon so it would be illogical for him to do so"  both Spock and Uhura turn to face her Uhura smiles at her as she continues "it is a beautiful planet though"  she pauses then says "I see you're not done with that so I'll come back later"  a flash of sadness shows in Spock's eyes as Anansa turns and walks back towards the Turbolift she stops when she hears a mans voice say through the com "Transporter Room to Bridge Landing Party returning they report one death"  Spock replies through the com as Anansa continues on her way into the Turbolift which had opened for her "Bridge acknowledging"  Uhura who was heading back to her station walks over to Spock and says "I don't believe it"  Spock replies "explain"  Uhura says "you explain that means that somebody is dead and you just.... sit there it could be Captain Kirk and other than Anansa he's the closest thing you have to a friend"  Spock replies "Lieutenant, my demonstration of concern will not change what has happened the Transporter Room is very well manned and they will call me if they need my assistance"  Uhura turns around and heads back to her station.... Anansa walks into the Medbay just as Kirk was walking out of it he smiles at her then walks around her and out the door and she continues on her way into the room where Bones sits lost in his own thoughts "need me for anything Doc?!"  she asks he seems to jump when he hears her voice then replies "oh, yeah, um could you rerun the tests on Darnell I seem to be stuck in a haze today"  she says "sure"  she gets straight to work and it didn't take her very long to figure out what had killed the poor man "love!"  she teases "love!?!"  Bones asks "yep it's what kills us all! sometimes slowly and not always painlessly!"  she teases he scoffs then nudges her with his shoulder "it seems his body has been depleted of it's salt contents"  she tells him "I said that wrong didn't I!?!"  she asks "don't worry I understood what you meant"  he replies with a smile as he cups her shoulder with his hand "almost reminds me of those stories about vampires but instead of blood...."  she says he looks at her with a raised eyebrow and she chuckles he smiles for he knew exactly who she thought of when he did that "I'll let you tell him"  she says he nods "though I do wonder what sort of creature could do that to a person, aren't the only two people on that planet the professor and his wife!?"  she asks then she walks out of the room and he watches her leave.... a few hours later Anansa sees a unfamiliar black male corner Uhura within the corridor "get away from her!"  she says as she storms over to where they are just as the Bosun's whistle sounds and Kirk's voice is heard saying "Lieutenant Uhura to the Bridge"  neither Uhura or the man respond to her or the Captain's call so she tests out something Spock once taught her and tries the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on the man she could sense that he's not what he seems so she uses a bit of her magic to make his true form show and the creature falls unconscious just as Uhura seems to wake up from some kind of trance "you're needed on the Bridge Star best get to it, oh and let the Captain know me and our uninvited guest will be in my quarters"  Anansa says Uhura nods "don't worry about me I updated my security remember!?"  Anansa says Uhura smiles then walks away and Anansa drags the "uninvited guest" over then into the Turbolift and into her quarters where she places it in a corner then has the computer build a small force field around it a few minutes later Spock and Kirk enter Anansa's quarters.... after they get her permission to enter.... and find Anansa having a staring contest with some creature as she sits on her couch "it was the only empty spot in the room and don't worry I gave it a bucket just in case it had to use the bathroom"  she tells them Kirk chuckles then says "I'm surprised you let it inside"  she replies "well I know you usually put creatures like this in the Brig but it can't read me so I figured here would be the more logical place plus...."  she replies the creature who turned its attention to Kirk starts to walk towards him and ends up hitting the force field Kirk smirks "yes I once again tweaked with the so called security system on this ship.... not to tear a good Scotsman down but it really needed work!"  she says Kirk chuckles "oh and...."  she says the creature changes its form once again by the use of Anansa's magic showing both Kirk and Spock everybody it has turned into since they came to this planet then back to it's original form and Kirk raises his eyebrow at the sight "if you ask me Captain I'd say it's going through withdrawals"  Anansa says Kirk looks at her then asks with a slightly curious tone "withdrawals!?!"  she nods then says "I think it became addicted to it's own food"  he raises his eyebrow at her as she continues "it's more than just hunger it's feeling besides it's fed on at least three people since we got here you'd think it would be full by now but it's still "starving".."  she pauses then says "I'm not trying to be insensitive Captian...."  Kirk replies "no, it's alright"  he chuckles then says "you almost sound like Spock"  she replies with a smile "I take that as a compliment Captain"  he says with a smile "of course you do!"  she tells him "you might want to call up the professor he's probably "worried sick" about his "wife".."  he looks at her confused then at the creature and it all started to make sense the fact that Bones saw Nancy as she was 12 years ago, how he saw her at the age she was meant to be and how Darnell saw her as some chick he saw on Wrigley's Pleasure Planet "the creature can stay here since it can't read me this is the safest place for it"  she says he nods "I am curious Captain.... are their any planets nearby that are not only uninhabited but mainly salt mines!?"  she asks Kirk looks at her with a curious confused expression on his face "it's.... lonely I believe it's the only one of it's kind on this particular planet and though I do not know what happened to the others.... it's possible that they had depleted the planet as well as one another of it's own salt which may be why it's the only one left I hate to say it but I'm actually surprised that the Professor was left alive then again no one likes to be alone"  she says he nods then asks "how...!?!"  she replies "it seems to read the "surface thoughts" of someone someone else desires the most then like a Venus Flytrap it ensnares that person freezing them in place so that it can feed on them I'm uncertain if their victim feels any pain but all this one cares about is the food it receives not the being it takes it from unlike me it has no compassion whatsoever all it cares about is being fed"  he asks "and how do you know this!?"  she asks "why do you think Uhura didn't reply to your call and or knew to let you know I had a "guest" in my quarters!?"  he chuckles in a way that says "touché" then says "so you want me to find a uninhabited planet that contains lots of salt!?"  she replies "I want it to be able to live without killing anyone else for as I said I am not as heartless as it is"  she pauses then says "and you will most likely order Spock to do the search so I suppose I'm telling Spock to do it.... it's rather nice to be able to boss my boss around for once!"  Spock raises his eyebrow as Kirk chuckles with a smile at her ending tease

 it's rather nice to be able to boss my boss around for once!"  Spock raises his eyebrow as Kirk chuckles with a smile at her ending tease

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