Part 27: The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog Part 2/5

Start from the beginning

Tails smiles.
Tails: Ah, Poetry~! A resonant message from poet to reader or listener, meant to challenge our very delicate perspectives with the most rhythmic of prose.
Metal Sonic nods.
Metal Sonic: Similarly, to Rap Music... which I hear Espio has also done exceptionally well at.
Melody nods.
Melody: I've listened to a diss track or two... they're straight fire.
Barry (In his mind): Espio can rap.
Espio nods as Tails smirks.
Tails: May I hear some?
Espio gets nervous.
Espio: S-... Sure...?
Espio clears his throat.

Espio's Poem (1):
Teardrops in the Spring,
Can you hear me Sing?
Laa, Laa Lee,
Tree Lee Dee.

I've heard a lot of things;
The fear that the world brings,
But through it all,
I have stood tall,
And simply enjoyed most things.

Cherry Blossoms in the spring,
Fall around all people.
And as this has happened,
I've found their behavior simple.

A flute in my hand as I play for all,
It sings most gracefully.
The song is my own,
So, listen along,
Laa, Laa Lee Tree Lee Dee.

Everyone applauds Espio's Poem.
Metal Sonic: Incredible~!
Tails: Bravo~!
Melody: Encore~!
Barry: Bravissimo~!
Vector: Great job buddy~!
Espio blushes and tugs at his collar, flattered by the praise.
Espio: Th- Thank you... I didn't have time to rehearse my poems...
Everyone nods knowingly.
Metal Sonic: In Any case, we're here to establish your Alibis.
Melody nods.
Melody: If you don't mind, can you two walk us through what happened after Amy had us all leave the Dining car?
Vector and Espio both nod.
Vector: Sure thing; it's simple; we just explained it all to Amy~!
The Scene flashes back to the LIBRARY TESTIMONY, which plays out the way Vector and Espio Describe it as Metal Sonic records the Testimony with his tape recorder.

Vector: When we were all sent off, Blaze, Jenny, Misty, Shadow, Silver, and Vega all passed the Library Car, where Amy told Espio and I to stay until the Timer started.
Espio: I promptly picked a book off of the shelf and made myself comfortable.
Espio: Vector got bored, so he left.
Vector: Yup~!
Tails: HOLD IT!
Tails interrupts for a moment as the testimony pauses.
Tails: Did either of you happen to see Rouge? We saw her lipstick on the Rim of a cup in the Saloon Car.
Espio explains as the Flashback Testimony resumes.
Espio: Yes, as a Matter of fact... Rouge came over to the library car, seemingly looking for something. At first, she didn't find it, and so she went to search in the Saloon Car. After a few moments, she came back and searched in the library car for a bit longer.
Vector: I can confirm that... Knuckles and I were still competing in Super Monkey Ball when she came in. Knuckles offered her a drink.
Vector (Whispering): Don't tell either of them I told you this, but Rouge thanked Knuckles for the drink with a peck on the Cheek.
Metal Sonic can be heard jumping excitedly the Testimony pauses a second time.
Metal Sonic: OH, I SO CALLED IT!!!
Everyone is silent for a few seconds.
Espio: A-... Alright then???
The Testimony continues once again.
Espio: I heard Rouge shout out, "NO WAY!" as she checked the brochure stand over there... But, I believe she left back to the Casino car as Melody passed through as well. Then, Shadow came through, and locked the door.
Barry (In his mind): I wonder what Rouge found; she's clearly been looking for something...
Espio: After Rouge left the Library Car for the first time, Shadow obviously walked through the Casino Car. Shadow then entered the library car and locked the door behind him.
Metal Sonic (In his Mind): Why has Shadow been locking doors?
Vector: Shadow walked through the Library Car, into the Saloon Car, where Knuckles and I were playing Super Monkey Ball. He insisted on showing us up on it, and quickly showed us how to play.
Melody: One thing I think Knuckles forgot to mention was that Rouge played the game before I did and got a better score after playing for a shorter time than Shadow did. I played after and beat them both.
Vector: Then Knuckles and I competed for the top score as Rouge Left. A- Admittedly, I got so engrossed by the Rolling Monkey Action, that I hardly noticed Shadow leave the Saloon Car... But my guess is that he walked through the Library Car again to get to the Casino Car after Melody left and locked the door behind him again, then passed through the Casino Car, and the Mail Car, to get to his station in the Lounge Car.
Espio: When Vector Got back, we realized that Knuckles locked the door to the Saloon car, trapping us in the Library Car.
Vector: It was at that moment that the Train sped up... we were worried about the Bookshelves falling on us, but we made it through alright.
Espio: We sat in here, trapped, until Amy arrived, and started asking us questions. She is the one that told us about Sonic's most heinous of murders.

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