lx. co-workers

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Helena will never have her sister back.

"Helena," he tries again. "She's dangerous."

"She's my sister!" Helena pleads, raising her arm with her gun pointed at Leon.

But Leon can tell she won't pull the trigger. Her eyes are flooding with tears, and her hands are shaking.

"Helena, I understand," you tell her quietly, worry in your voice, placing your hand over Helena's arm, gently lowering her gun down. "Deborah's not here anymore. Whatever is inside her is dangerous, and it's gonna hurt or kill all of us."

Deborah grunts and moans, moving her arms in a way that makes her bones creak.

Helena looks at her sister, then back at you, fat tears slowly spilling onto her cheeks. Leon feels like he's made of marble as he watches you wipe away her tears with your sleeve.

"At least—At least let me do it," Helena says finally, her voice crumbling. "I owe her that."

"Of course," you and Leon say in unison.

You stand next to Leon and grab his sleeve for comfort as Helena prepares herself, trying to steady her hand.

Leon looks away, his fingers finding yours.

It never gets easier.

When he looks back, Helena's hand is steady.

"I love you," she tells Deborah.

No sooner had the last word come out of her mouth, than a crossbow arrow penetrates Deborah's forehead.

Leon's reflexes are the fastest; he swerves around into the direction from where the arrow came from, ready to fight, ready to make things right by Helena.

He catches a flash of red, and then, almost like this is some nightmare from which he simply cannot wake up, a grapple hook line brings the flash of red closer to him, and just as mysteriously as she always comes and goes, she's in front of him again.


"Boo," she says, smiling coyly, her dark eyes instantly locking on his. "What? You look like you've seen a ghost."

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My heart thud-thud-thuds against the bones of my ribcage as I stand there, next to Helena, and stare at this woman who just shot a crossbow arrow straight through Deborah's forehead.

She stands with an air of confidence—arrogance?—her shoulders pulled back with her crossbow dangling coolly at her side. She's wearing a tight red sweater dress, that hugs her in all the right places, with knee-high boots, looking spectacular.

"Who the actual fuck do you think you are?!" Helena screams at the woman, her gun already cocked in her direction.

"Helena, no," Leon says calmly, and grabs Helen's gun by its barrel, lowering it. Helena struggles but his grip is firm, and she finally lowers it.

As Leon looks away, Helena aims her gun at the woman again, quick as a lightning bolt.

The woman smirks and aims a small handgun back at Helena, but she almost looks bored as she does it. "Lower the gun."

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