xxxiii. out of time

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"HQ? HQ come in," Chris shouts into his mouthpiece. "God damn it!"

"Is the comms system even working?" Leon offers, remembering the whole ordeal he had to go through to get Chris' message while you two were on the Zenobia. "This ship's layout is probably the same, so I know where it is."

"God what is it with these ships?!" Jessica groans, trailing her finger across a large panel window that's bloodied from the other side. "I'm so close to losing it."

Leon checks his gun before slipping it quickly into his holster. "I thought you said BSAA agents are trained to endure severe torture. A little blood got you losing it?"

Jessica cocks her head to one side and Leon feels her eyes on his face. "It's more that claustrophobic feeling like, the corridors are so narrow."

"It's a luxury cruise ship, Jessica, what type of luxury are you used to?" Chris scoffs, walking in front of them, his boots stomping on the crusted carpets lining the corridor.

"The idea of being on a luxury cruise with you two sure is nice," she giggles. "Only the whole thing is infested with a new strain of virus. Great."

Leon ignores her and pushes in front of her, next to Chris. They walk together until they reach a foyer. The entire thing is beautifully decorated still, with large red tapestries hanging on the wall, and golden frames lining almost every flat surface. A large chandelier is hanging in the middle, encrusted with what looks like dried blood.

"The electricity looks like it's working here," Chris thinks out loud.

"Of course it is," Leon grumbles. "Veltro don't seem like the type of people to work by candlelight."

"God it freaks me out to know they're somewhere on this ship, watching us," Jessica sighs. "Doesn't it give you the creeps to know someone's watching our every move?"

"No," Leon says flatly, while at the same time, Chris says, "How do you know they're watching us?"

"You think they didn't hear two choppers coming in?!" Jessica laughs and presses the elevator button with her dainty finger.

Chris and Leon look at each other, the cogs in their heads turning. Jessica stares at them before a grin bursts on her face. "Oh God, are you two scared? Cos that will definitely freak me out."

Chris smirks and steps inside of the elevator. Leon ignores her again, the impatience inside of him reaching levels he previously thought unimaginable.

"Comm room should be the floor under the casino," Leon says, pressing the button to descend.

"This thing has a casino?!" Jessica exclaims.

"Had a whole VIP room and everything," Leon says as he leans against the cold glass of the elevator's mirror, remembering how cute you had looked when he found that nurse's thong in there and waved it in your face.

Jessica stares at the mirror and fixes her hair. Leon looks at her while's she's finger-combing her hair, and his mind now wanders to when you played with his hair, how easy it was to fall asleep then.

How easy it was with you.

You. You you you you you you.

God, he just wants to see your face again.

All he wants. Hear your voice. See how quickly your eyes light up when you see him. How you blush slightly when he says the right things to you.

Jessica meets his eyes and smiles softly at him, and for the first time since they came here, she doesn't look as annoying as she usually plays at.

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