liv. anticipation

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mid- may

The bar Chris chose is mostly empty except for a few BSAA agents, and a handful of cops. Leon knows Chris specifically chose this place for its low-profile, and for that, Leon is thankful.

Being all together at the same place isn't always the safest idea, but right now, Leon needs to convince himself that just because he always expects the worst to happen, doesn't mean it actually will.

The music is loud enough that no-one will be able to overhear their conversation. The lights are dim and yellow. It's raining outside, but warm inside. Cosy. Inviting. 


They've opened a tab for their drinks.

Things are good.

"Can't believe this goddamn operation is finally done," Chris sighs, chugging most of his beer can's contents in one-go.

"I'll drink to that," Leon smiles, holding up a glass of whiskey to Chris' tall beer can, Jill's rum and coke, and your own glass of whiskey.

"So all the evidence you found on the Queen Dido was enough to fully and totally incriminate Lansdale, right?" you ask Chris.

Leon eyes you over the rim of his glass as he finishes his drink, still not really able to keep his attention off of you for long. For some reason, it's even harder for him to focus on anything else when you two are in public, when he gets to see this social side of you.

It's like everything else in the room turns grey and dead, and the only thing that is brimming with life and excitement and everything that makes him happy, is you and your presence.

"Yup," Chris says, wiping his lips with the back of his hand. "He's awaiting his trial in jail."

"We made arrangements for him to spend his time in the worst facility we could find," Jill adds, smirking a little. "Dude is going to wish we killed him when we had the chance."

Leon's heart rate accelerates a little at the knowledge that he'll be kicking himself for a long time—he wanted to see this case until its proper end. "You two will keep me updated on the trial though, right?"

Chris and Jill share a look, and then they both look at you. "Aren't you supposed to be on a self-imposed sabbatical, Kennedy?" Jill says, her smirk fully-fledged now.

"Well yeah, but—"

"No buts," Chris interjects. "We'll tell Clementine. And then she can choose whether or not to tell you," he adds, tongue-in-cheek.

Leon rolls his eyes, and signals the waiter for another round. "Wow."

"It's for your own good," Chris says.

"I'm not a kid," Leon mutters.

"You're pouting like one," you tell him, before nudging him a little. "I'm kidding," you add, and then lean into him, covering your mouth as you whisper loudly for comedic effect. "I promise I'll tell you what I know."

As soon as he feels your touch on him, Leon wants nothing more than to pull you into him, hold you there, to make himself feel better. But he wants to be able to control himself, to not rely on you all the time.

So instead, he makes a mental note to repay you later, in the privacy of his own house.

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