lix. ghost

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Leon stands in front of me holding the video-tape in his hands, staring at the label.

"What the hell...?" He mutters quietly, mostly to himself.

Something about the way he's reacting to the tape is setting off some kind of warning bells in my head. The name sounds like it should be familiar, it sounds like I've heard it before, and the more I look at him as he looks at the tape, the more certain I become that the name 'Ada' has been come up in our conversations before.

"What the hell is she doing here...?" Leon thinks out loud, while I stare and stare at him, trying to read him just from his facial expressions. "Is this related to what she was doing in Spain last year...?"

"Friend of yours, huh?" Helena asks him, shining her flashlight down the rest of the laboratory. Everything is rusted and falling to pieces, it looks like no-ones been down here to do any maintenance in a long while.

Leon's head snaps up at Helena's voice, and he shakes the tape in front of her. "Do you know anything about this tape? You said you've been down here before."

Helena shakes her head.

"Play it," I say, my voice quiet.

Leon tries to pop it back into the cassette player, but the monitor is far from being functional, with rusty water spilling out the sides of its fan vents.

"What's the story here with this Ada chick?" Helena asks him, her arms crossed against her chest, waiting for his reply with probably as much curiosity as I'm feeling.

Leon shakes his head slightly, but he doesn't reply. His eyelids flutter back to the label of the tape, and just from the way he looks at the name, black on a piece of white tape, my brain jolts and access the right memory, and I finally remember when I heard that name.

Twice, had Leon brought Ada up.

The first time, back in Italy, in the cabin, that vulnerable, intimate moment we had . He had mentioned how a woman named Ada had betrayed him. Back then, my mind was flooded with anxiety. The thought of this Ada woman being anything more than some sort of ex never even entered my mind.

Chris was the one who brought her up the second time. When he asked Leon if he had any connections, right after Leon's shoulder surgery.

"I'll find out another way," Leon had told Chris. "If you don't tell me. I got my own connections."

"Oh yeah? Who?" Chris had replied. "Ada?"

So now, as I stare at Leon, I realise that I have conflicting information about this mysterious woman: one, she betrayed Leon enough to the point of adding on to his trust issues; two, they might still be in contact, her information good enough for him to consider her one of his connections.

SAVEGUARD ⟼ leon s. kennedyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora