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"Anton, will you admit you love me more than Wonbin now?" I whined playfully, arm strung around his shoulder.

Anton shrugged me off of him, sticking his tongue out and making a 'pfft' sound. "No, Wonbin is my favourite."

We were on our way back to the dorms, Sungchan stayed slightly behind us as he continued to process the conversation with our manager on Instagram. The walk back wasn't very long, our clothes were damp from the weather making it less enjoyable.

"Y/n." Anton suddenly called my name, stopping in his tracks as his face fell. I hummed in acknowledgement, looking up to try and see what was bothering him. "That's him." He pointed his finger out. I followed it, only to see Byungho leaning against the wall right beside our elevator.

It was merely seconds after I saw him when I heard angry stomps from behind me. I had to hold out my arms to stop Sungchan from doing something bad, holding him by his wrists tightly so he would stop charging at the man.

"Y/n, let me go." He spoke as if he was trying to contain himself, hands not even working to try and get free from my hold.

"Don't do anything. He's not worth it." Because Sungchan's safety was more important than my stupid ex trying to start something more.

"He promised to leave you alone. He said he would stop if I gave him the money." Sungchan's voice broke as he spoke. I tried to ignore it, because if he was on the verge of tears than I would only start sobbing as well.

Anton took a step forward. "You gave him money?" He asked, eyes not leaving the man who was smirking in front of us.

"He did. But I thought I'd play along with the whole 'friends' thing so you guys could clear your names some more." Byungho smiled, standing up straighter as if to intimidate Anton(he was definitely scared the 19 year old would punch him again).

"You said you'd leave him alone." Sungchan spat, his body still pointed at me while he turned his head to talk to the asshole.

Byungho shrugged. "It's hard to leave someone so pretty alone? You understand right? You've wanted him since you were 15, surely you understand."

The three of us stayed quiet, watching and praying for a way to get out of this situation.

"Have you slept with him yet? You must have enjoyed it, I know how good y/n can be i-" He never got to finish what he was saying. Sungchan pulled away from my hold and launched himself at the older man.

He threw punch after punch, cursing under his breath. I tried to stop him, I called his name and begged for him to stop but he didn't listen. After a moment Byungho was able to get the upper hand, turning them around and throwing his own punches at Sungchan.

People watched, people all over pulled their phones out and filmed.

I tried pulling Byungho off but was only elbowed in return. It wasn't until Anton helped were we successful at breaking them apart.

"I'll fuck up your career for this, Sungchan. I'll tell the world about you and y/n and tell them you beat me just because you were jealous." Byungho was gasping for air, turning to face the people that were filming.

He teared up, bowing to the cameras before rushing out from the building.

"Sungchan." I called for my boyfriend, watching as his legs gave out and he fell to the ground. Tears started falling immediately, his face bloody and red from the hits it had taken.

"I wanna go home." He cried, his wounded hands coming up to cover his face.

"Okay." I said, dragging an in shock Anton to help me stand Sungchan back up. My heart was beating loudly, there was ringing in ears as well. That wasn't how it was meant to go, I just wanted to go on a walk and now Sungchan is hurt and it'll probably only get worse.



words to go by [j.sc + male!reader!]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें