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taeoxo.nct 7 years with Y/n. Even though we have to say goodbye to you as a member of NCT, I know we will still get another 7 and even more with you as a friend. I wish you good luck on your future journey, your new group has to treat you right or I'll have to teach them a lesson. Kang Y/n, you are like my little brother, I watched you grow up and become the beautiful person you are today. It sucks that you are being taken from us, but I know you will do great things and become even more of a star. Take good care of Sungchan and Shotaro for us, we will miss you so much even though we will still get to see you all the time. Show the world that this isn't your end, make NCT regret losing an ace like you.💚

1.6M likes//611k comments

yumootia this flipping sucks, I hate SM

kangynrose even Taeyong knows Y/n is being punished

johnnyjsuh☑️ once a neo always a neo

hermionejokiz I know this is wrong and that it was only meant to be Sungtaro at first, but I'm honestly glad SM decided to keep JOKiz together, I can't wait for their debut:)

porkbelly777 so glad they took him out of the group, now we just need to convince the company to not reboot his homosexual ass

Jorgiewinn @BHLemons nows your chance to get your man back now that he's not an idol at the moment!!

do0_nct☑️ y/n, good luck



The timeline is all messed up but as we learned from the Kun ff I do not pay attention to details:) it's not on purpose though so my bad

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