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Park Wonbin is a beautiful boy. His heart is filled with so much love and kindness and he makes anyone around him light up with joy.

I didn't know the Riize members very well, I've heard stories from Sungchan and Shotaro but only saw them once in a while around SM. I'm struggling with the switch from Nct to Riize, I'm filled with stress while the staff try to figure out whose lines in songs should be cut so I can officially be part of the group. They plan to debut it only 2 months, things are being settled and now they are unraveling to accommodate me.

Park Wonbin has been a lifesaver through all of this. He makes sure to help me out when I'm feeling lost. Taking me step by step through the choreography, staying with me in the practice room till late at night so I'm not alone. Yesterday when I was in the recording studio, he sat outside the whole time, cheering me on when I finished up and praising my work.

Sungchan and Shotaro have been busy, they haven't had much time to hang out with me like usual. Our Friday night movie nights have paused, our schedules seem to never overlap. And although I've been able to have a meal with Shotaro most days, I haven't had a proper conversation with Sungchan in weeks.

So yes, I'm sorry for attaching myself to Wonbin when my closest friends are moving with me to this new group. I'm sorry for feeling closer to Wonbin then the boy I used to fall asleep with every night. I'm sorry that I'm starting to feel like Sungchan doesn't like me anymore, or like he's disappointed I've become a part of Riize...

"Y/n, it's 1 in the morning, please come back to the dorms with me." Wonbin begged, holding a tone of unseriousness but I knew he really wanted to leave.

I should listen, my body aches. I've lost track of how long I've been practicing for without a break, but I can't bring the team down.

"I... I still can't get this timed properly." I replied, head hung low.

"Who cares, you have plenty of time to practice. You're already doing better then I did when I first started learning this." Wonbin stood up from his spot on the floor, making his way over to me and grabbing my wrist. "I'm taking you back whether you like it or not."

I didn't have the energy to fight back, letting him drag me out to the car. His hand was cold against my skin, I wasn't sure if that meant he was sick or I was burning up from practice.

"Sohee's getting a movie ready, he said you need a break." Wonbin chuckled at the text message that lit up his phone screen. Hand still holding my wrist despite us now sitting inside the car.

"So he's babying me, I thought I was older?" I groaned, not feeling like watching a movie when I had so much work to get done before the debut.

"Doesn't matter, I'll pin you down and pry your eyes open if I have to. You're watching that darn movie whether you like it or not."

The dorms weren't far away, so it wasn't long before we were back. Wonbin keeping his hold on me the whole time, it was as if he thought I would make a break for it if he let go for even a second.

Sohee was the first to greet us. "Eunseok ate all the popcorn, but Anton bought candy so we are still going to feed you."  Seunghan wasn't far behind, skipping up behind Sohee with a smile.

It was Avatar 2 that was on the screen, paused at the very beginning. I took my shoes off, barely making it in 2 feet before a bag of Candy was thrown at me.

"Got your favourites, y/n~" Shotaro smiled, standing next to the couch and urging me to come sit down.

I smiled back. Everyone was here, I can't remember a time where we all spent time together outside of work.

Sungchan was on the couch, eyes locked on the unmoving picture in the tv screen. He didn't dare to blink, body language tense as people spoke around him. The couch slowly began filling up around him, everyone taking there seats. I sat beside him, like I usual did, but something seemed to set him off and he stood from his seat.

"I'm tired, I don't think I can stay up... I'll head to bed now."


Okay so I'm thinking of doing 1 NCT ship and 1 RIIZE ship. I was planning on Norenmin but I'm still not sure, and for RIIZE I'm thinking Wonton because Wonbin is a big character and I like the name "Wonton"

words to go by [j.sc + male!reader!]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя