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"What if we buy some pork belly too?" Anton suggested, a camera being held in his left hand.

We were filming a new video for YouTube, some sort of camping trip to celebrate our debut. It was half of us at the store, Me, Anton, Eunseok and Sohee. Everyone wanted to buy everything, especially since we are using the company card.

"Sure, as long as we get a bag of those new chips I've been wanting to try, I'm good with anything." Sohee made a thumbs up, not bothering to even look at what Anton wanted as he was too busy looking for the isle with his chips.

"Y/n?" I turned to where I was called, eyes landing on the man I currently hated the most in this world.

"Byung...ho" I greeted, trying to be polite but really wanting to run from the building.

Eunseok took a step forward, slightly blocking my view of the man as he held his hand out. "Ah, I've heard of you, my name is Eunseok. Pleasure to meet you."

"Heard of me? I hope only good things?" Byungho smiled, shaking Eunseok's hand. "I wasn't aware y/n spoke of me with you guys."

Eunseok chuckled. "Oh, of course not. You're a fucking pedophile, why would I hear good things about you? Dating a 16 year old at the grown age of 21? Man what the hell is wrong with you?"

Eunseok kept a smile on his face, not wanting to cause a scene but wanting to tell the man off anyways. Byungho seemed taken aback by the call out.

"Umm? 21? I don't understand, you don't even know how old I am?" Byungho frowned.

Eunseok scoffed. "That third cousin you let follow you on Instagram last week, that was actually Sungchan."

"Eunseok." I grabbed him by the shoulder, turning him to face me. "Just leave it alone, we are meant to be filming right now." I gestured to the maknae's behind us who were listening in on the conversation with frowns on their face.

"How can I leave it alone after what he did to you?" Eunseok spat, face no longer holding his fake smile.

"Oh, so you trauma dumped on your new coworkers, y/n? What did you tell them? I wasn't even that bad, I'm better now I won't hurt you."

Eunseok was getting fed up, he grabbed the older by the shirt with harsh hands. "I'm going to need you to shut your fucking mouth before I do something I might regret."

Byungho smiled, enjoying the way he was setting Eunseok off. "A relationship is two-sided, and he always liked when I was a little rough with him anyways."

Byungho barely got the last word out before a fist came in contact with his face. I gasped, watching as he was tossed from Eunseok's hold. Eunseok's hands were still clenched around nothing, both in the same place they had been.

Off to his right side was another boy, anger radiating off of him, knuckles burning white from how hard he was squeezing his fist shut. Anton's body shook, it had been him who punched Byungho in the face.


Got more people defending y/n, gotta stop adding more trauma though y/n needs some love<3

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