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Earlier this week a photo of Kang Y/n of NCT was leaked that shows him kissing a boy

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Earlier this week a photo of Kang Y/n of NCT was leaked that shows him kissing a boy. Y/N has had many fans questioning his sexuality in the past, from the way he shows affection to members, to his constant showing of acceptance of the lgbtqia+ community.

On August 3rd 2022, a photo was leaked of Y/n from when he attended high school. The photo doesn't accurately show the Kpop idols face, but a series of other photos were leaked as well, these photos showing Y/n in the same area, in the same outfit, with the same boy.

 The photo doesn't accurately show the Kpop idols face, but a series of other photos were leaked as well, these photos showing Y/n in the same area, in the same outfit, with the same boy

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They're not even kissing, and who
cares if he's gay he's still talented
and makes good music!

Congrats? I don't get why everyone
has to make a big deal? So what if he
kisses boys, good for him!

You didn't even link all the photos?
                 Just the kissing one?

That's disgusting? Can't believe I
used to stan him😒

                Don't say it's him if he hasn't said
                 anything confirming it. It could just
                 be someone that looked like him.


As promised, the Sungchan x male reader story:)
Doubt I'll be able to write Kun in this for a while while I grieve the Kun x male reader book😔🥹

words to go by [j.sc + male!reader!]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora