retrieval mission

Start from the beginning

All I know right now as I storm up to Athena's mansion is that I can’t allow that bitch to do any more. She had a chance to leave this be but she just dug her own grave, and I'm going to throw her into it and make sure she's buried deep and permanently.

I don't even bother knocking as I barge in, her men stepping out of my way after one falls to the floor after a loud bang, blood trickling out of a new small hole in the centre of his forehead, definitely going to stain the white carpet beneath his body.

Usually I would try not to make a mess but right now I don't care who any of these assholes are or what they have in their lives. They're working for this bitch so they, in turn, are going to receive similar fates to her. They may get a quick death if they fulfil my demands, though.

I grab the nearest one to me by the scruff of his shirt, dragging him closer to me until I can feel his shuddering warm breath against my face, instantly pleasing me. I adore making people I have a burning hate for so nervous and making them cower in my presence. These large men are only more pleasing to fear and watch as they break down. They must know something about me otherwise I doubt they'd be quite so fearful of me.

I chuckle as his voice shudders and catches in his throat as he tries to spit out, "What the fuck do you want here, bitch?" Though his voice keeps breaking making him sound like a school boy trying desperately to act intimidating and hard.

"I'm here for Athena," I hiss back. "If you tell me exactly where she is, I'll let you go now and you can run as far as you need to feel safe from me, since you're clearly so scared of me."

"None of us are scared of you," he spits. He's trying so hard to act tough. It's incredibly humorous.

"Alright," I chuckle, licking my teeth. "Now say that again without your voice cracking and stop shaking. Then I'll believe that no one here fears me."

He swallows hard but nothing comes out of his mouth when he opens it again to speak. Now I'm getting bored of this. If he isn’t going to talk, there's plenty of others that can. Besides, this is taking too long.

I sigh, releasing the collar of his shirt, ignoring him as he finally gets the courage to start swearing at me, my body jolting once as another bullet leaves my gun, penetrating his skull with ease until he falls onto the floor, his eyes freakishly open as he lays lifeless. It seems to be enough to get the others on the same page though as most of them bolt for the door behind me while the ones in front of me instantly give me directions to Athena, though I'm certain she knows I'm already here from the obnoxiously loud sound of gunshots.

I storm upstairs, following the directions they all gave me, finding it interesting how they actually gave me her accurate location with such a small gesture as shooting two people in front of them. Athena's guys clearly haven't got particularly strong stomachs for gore so I don’t know why she even has them. They're useless.

"ATHENA!" I yell out, as I burst through her office door, instantly recognising it from the video call. "GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE NOW SO THAT I CAN BEAT IT!"

"Jeez, calm down," Athena suddenly says, appearing with a glass of champagne in her hand as if she had no clue I'd come here. "There's no need to yell. I'm right here."

"Where the fuck is Elise? You have one chance to tell me," I demand, knowing it's best to give her some chance to tell me in case Cooper and none of the men I have put can find her.

"She's alive, I'll tell you that much," she says, perching herself on the edge of her large mahogany desk. "Let's chat, hmm?"

"Not a fucking chance," I retort. There's no way I'm talking to this bitch as if she didn't kidnap and torture and do who knows what to the only person I care about, almost certainly traumatising her. Athena needs to speak up or my patience is going to snap.

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