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1) Twenty-five, Lunar Eclipse_Wanzhou Menghualu (Campus H)


  25. Lunar

  Eclipse Ya Cheng's small class plan was ruined. Strictly speaking, it should have been messed up by Lao Tian.

  When the school leaders compared the results of the past two years, they found that there was basically no choice for small class quotas except Class 7. Yu Chu, Dong Chaoming, Xu Zhengxuan, and Hang Ying were all in this class even if they were counted down to ten. People, I looked through it again, and when I turned to nearly 30, there were two students from other classes, one of whom performed exceptionally well.

  There are a total of 45 people in Class 7 of Senior High School. If 30 are selected and 15 are left, which one is the small class?

  Several school leaders immediately invited Tian Zuohao over, and the task of enrolling in the small class suddenly fell on him. This caused Lao Tian's irritability index to skyrocket. Dong Chaoming and Chu Yi, who had escaped late, were directly invited to his office for tea.

  Yu Chu was a little disappointed when he heard the news about the cancellation of the small class, but then he realized that when he got to the small class, it was just these familiar faces, the same teacher and the same classmates, so it was not interesting. The cancellation of the small class made everyone in the upper reaches of Class 7 feel the same as Yu Chu. Probably only Yu Zhuyue secretly breathed a sigh of relief. For a player like her who climbed up from the lower reaches to make a splash and then disappear in an instant, it was really a matter of whether she could enter the small class. Unknown, not being divided into classes is the outcome she hopes for most.

  The two words "senior three" are like a charm, stuck on the head of everyone in Class 7. They are people who focus on their studies. After officially moving into the senior three building and starting to study as senior three, the whole class put all their energy into it, and also spent time during recess. If the mute button is pressed, there will only be people burying their heads in reading and going out quietly to get some fresh air.

  Chu Yi was very miserable in this atmosphere. He was very rebellious and came to school every day. This was almost a crazy test of Lao Tian's bottom line. Apart from that, Chu Yi's only pleasure was watching Dong Chaoming chase Yu Chu.

  Chu Yi objectively analyzed it based on his less rich but definitely richer love history than Dong Chaoming. He felt that Dong Chaoming's method of pursuing Yu Chu was not clever. In other words, it was stupid.

  "Yu Chu."

  Chu Yi held his forehead and came again. He and several others invariably speeded up their meals instantly. He remembered the shocked eyes of the boys in his class opposite him when Dong Chaoming called Yu Chu over for dinner for the first time a few days ago. With He's expression of being unable to swallow, he understood from the bottom of his heart that Yu Chu's reputation should be known to the entire senior class. She could freeze people to death. For a while, Chu Yi even thought that she didn't eat and only ate books.

  Yu Chu glanced at the three or four friends of Dong Chaoming sitting next to her. She could also feel their discomfort. She really didn't have the physique to have friends. She was used to being a loner, and she couldn't adapt to being with them. Yu Chu deliberately ignored Dong Chaoming's shout, turned to a corner, sat down and plugged in his headphones.

  Chu Yi didn't even raise his eyelids, counting down in his mind,

  three, two, one.

  "You guys can leave in a moment. I'll go find Yu Chu."

  Dong Chaoming took his dinner plate and left, leaving a few people on the table with wide-eyed stares. With his eyes open, the food in his mouth became tasteless. A group of boys with baby faces next to them reluctantly swallowed the food in their mouths, and couldn't help but sigh, "If the two of them get together, it will really be

  ... Let the iron tree blossom."

  If it was no longer obvious that Dong Chaoming was chasing Yu Chu, they would have been friends for two years in vain. Several people nodded in sync and started talking nonsense.

  "The mountain has no edges. "

"Heaven and earth are united. "

Chu Yi got goose bumps, so he hurriedly stopped.,

"Hey, are you disgusting? "

There was a burst of laughter from this table.

Dong Chaoming has never chased anyone. He spent his ignorant days studying day and night under his father's high-pressure measures. It wasn't until his father stopped intervening and threw him into the tutoring class that he had a chance to breathe. Escape from tutoring and play basketball. He has no concept of falling in love. He finally understood in his senior year of high school, but he met Yu Chu, a difficult object, and he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a misfortune.
"Can I sit here? "

Yu Chu raised his head, Dong Chaoming at the table was holding the dinner plate, and his black cap was still clutched in the other hand, which made his hands whiter.

"Whatever you want. "
Yu Chu thought Dong Chaoming was going to sit opposite her, but Dong Chaoming went around and sat down beside her instead. He scanned the dishes on her plate. When Yu Chu rarely came to the cafeteria on time in the fifth class, the most sought-after ones were long gone. There were not many things Yu Chu liked to eat in the meal grid. She made up both of them in a mess and didn't move a mouthful. Dong Chaoming sandwiched three cups of chicken from his plate in the cafeteria of their school's student union and gave it to Yu Chu. Yu Chu didn't have a chance to grab the famous dish. She tentatively put it in her mouth, and the moment the tip of her tongue touched the food
she couldn't help frowning.,

"It's too sweet. "

Dong Chaoming stretched out his spoon and scraped off the spicy stir-fry that Yu Chu had scooped up again. He looked at Yu Chu's puzzled gaze, afraid that she might not be able to hear him, he approached her ear slightly to explain.,

"It's much worse than my mother, so don't just eat spicy food. "

Yu Chuhou knew and felt that the food she had just eaten was sweet between her lips and teeth, like thick honey, slowly flowing into her heart little by little, soft and sticky. Dong Chaoming knew that she had always squeezed time like a sponge squeezing water, and she didn't bother her after staring at her no longer eating spicy food, so she could listen with peace of mind. Yu Chu took off his headphones and put them aside, and silently sandwiched the root vegetable heart when he picked up the chopsticks again.

"You don't listen anymore? "

"I've finished listening. "

Originally, there was no sound in the earphones.


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