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Akk and ayan moved to a new apartment with two bedrooms it was not that big but was more specious than his previous one. Ayan's mom wanted to buy a bigger place for her sons but akk didn't like that idea. He didn't wanted to take any financial help from both of their parents. He wanted his and ayan's place to be bought by their own money once they have enough. And as for now he planned to use his savings from past part-time jobs as deposit to rent this place. After hearing akk, ayan's mom supported his thoughts but didn't let him use his savings instead she convinced them that she will only pay for deposit both akk and ayan can pay rent as this will make her feel happy.

Mes had left for abroad as his parents wanted to see him before his class starts. But he still kept in touch with akk. At first ayan wanted to tell akk about how mes has feelings for him and he himself admitted it but now when mes is out of the picture he decided to not talk about it. And he think if what mes said was true then it's not his place to tell akk about these as it concerned mes and akk more. Ayan was hoping if everything can end like this it will be good if akk didn't know.

Akkayan and kantua's place are now closer they can walk to each other's place. Akk and kan started their internship with out delaying it. Akk was in planning & marketing team1 and kan was working at finance department.
Employees picking on new interns is common they will eventually stop after sometimes that's what usually happens. Akk's team wasn't different. But after sometime everyone started to adore akk as he was good at what he do and had a good personality. So it led him to make close bond with other employees.

But the atmosphere suddenly changed when his team leader retuned. His team leader liked to pick on new employees. He started to assign more works to akk. So he had to do overtimes quiet often. Ayan also noticed how tired akk is but felt that he was no help. After living abroad ayan's cooking skill had improved so he tried to cook more so akk can relax. But akk wanted the chores to be divided equally so he always cooked breakfast and cleaned their place. Ayan did dishes and laundry while he also tried to make dinner occasionally.

But when akk started to work overtime often their time at home was cut short. Akk never shared how hard it's on him so ayan could only wonder, akk just said everything is fine it's just they have a lot of work to do at office. But for kan it was different and seemed like he didn't had to work overtime at all. Kan did ask akk about his leader as he heared some rumors. And kan was the only one who akk talked about this because he didn't want to worry others especially ayan.

It was not like everyone treated him bad it just his team leader Bob, he liked to assign alot of work to akk and always makes him run yearends. But other employees helped akk alot. Everyone was afraid of Bob because apparently he have good connections and if anyone pisses him of he won't spare them. So were some employees liked to please him with their fake words others just didn't wanted to interact with him. And as he is the team leader and incharge of akk, akk needed his approval to complete his internship successfully . Basically he could make or break akk's career. So akk kept silent.

There was a really big project everyone one was working so hard on it, at a team meeting akk shared some of his ideas. But Bob said those were ridiculous but after hearing Bob presented those ideas as his own which where originally was akk's to higher ups everyone was shocked but no one dare to say anything. Akk just endured everything.

After a long time akk was free at weekend. So he decided to go on a date with ayan so he preapared everything after finishing breakfast he asked ayan did he had any plans for the day. Ayan unknowingly said "why? It's not like you are asking me for a date or something! "

"What if im. Will you go on a date with me." Ayan couldn't believe his ears after hearing akk's words he was surprised. Then they went out. after some shopping and lots of snacks at evening they went to watch a movie after a while it was the most happiest day for both of them. They finally got a chance to spend their time together with out any other concern. Ayan had a lot of work too but as he was a freelancer he usually woryk from home. They converted one bedroom as a working place for ayan and it  was akk's idea.

They watched a movie it was recommended by wat it was perfect for their date. After movie they went to ayan's favorite dinner place to have dinner. It felt like it can't be more perfect. And after filling their stomach they wanted to go home as soon as possible for some dessert. As they were walking down the street ayan held akk's hand akk didn't said anything but he was smiling ear to ear and intertwined their figers and continue walking holding each other's hands.

" Hey...Akk" Someone called shout akk's name on the street.

It was loud akk and ayan turned to see who that was. Ayan didn't recognize it but for akk it was oddly familiar as soon as he saw that person it was the same one he thought of P'bob his team leader. At that moment akk didn't move but he freed his hands from ayan. It was odd and so quick ayan couldn't react it was as if it was akk's natural reflects after seeing Bob.

Ayan was confused they are open about their relationship and until this moment they were holding hands with each other on middle of the street. They even made out at movie theater in front of so many people then what has changed now. He didn't like what akk did, ayan was looking at akk just then Bob approached them.
"What are you doing here seems like my intern has nothing to work on?" Bob asked with a smile but it wasn't funny for anyone other than him. Ayan didn't like his attitude at all so he asked akk who that is turning all attention to him. Akk introduced him saying " It's P'bob my team leader at office " Before akk could introduce ayan Bob interferes and said "Who might this be? Your bodyguard?"
"It's ayan and he is my... My friend. ..from high school." Akk replaid with a fake smile.

The conversation was shot they parted ways quickly. Akk and ayan was quite the entire time. Ayan was clearly annoyed he didn't get why would akk introduce him like that and on the other hand akk seemed deep in thought.

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